Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] are to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Rosita and I are to be punished , stuck there with long faces , alongside our fellow wrong-doers , representations of swarthy people , black as tea taken without milk .
2 Sir Robert Brackenbury , constable of the Tower , informed me this morning that my brother and I are to be moved . ’
3 You know Victor and I are to be married .
4 ‘ For your information , Lucy and I are to be married — as soon as possible . ’
5 ‘ Lucy and I are to be married . ’
6 They think the game is over and we are to be whipped off like hounds , back to Uncle . ’
7 Now when we open the scriptures we find clear commands , that th that there are , when we come to Jesus and accept him as our saviour then we are to obey him and we are to be baptized !
8 The numbers of those who have added to the ‘ goodness ’ on earth are legion , and they are to be found among all the races of the world , from origins of the humblest to the most exalted .
9 Their emphasis is usually ‘ Christian ’ rather than ‘ denominational ’ and they are to be found almost wholly in large conurbations .
10 That has not been the attitude of David Houghton or his group , and they are to be congratulated for that .
11 Er your Royal Highness , Chairman , Commodores , Ladies and Gentlemen , the accounts have been circulated and they are to be found on pages eight to fourteen with the report and there are copies around the room .
12 Hillhouse assistant site manager Ian Henderson said : ‘ This award is the culmination of a lot of hard work by all the team and they are to be congratulated on bringing their quality assurance scheme to the high standard recognised by this presentation . ’
13 When we have cares , we are not to look to pagan religious practices and philosophies for respite , but we are to be as the Apostle Peter put it ‘ Casting all your care upon him , for he careth for you . ’
14 True demi-caractère dancers with a sense of comedy are still rare but they are to be found .
15 Other fans simply call them little kids , but they are to be distinguished from other ‘ little kids ’ in other areas of the ground .
16 But they are to be found in any of the ‘ enclosure counties ’ and may be identified immediately as the work of the enclosure commissioners .
17 Local authorities are to retain overall control of community care services , but they are to be responsible for planning , finance and regulation rather than direct provision .
18 But they are to be paid for out of my eventual share .
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