Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] be [not/n't] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Well plus plus the fact that erm it 's not that you have n't got one , or it 's not that we 'd need you to drive it 's that you 're denying us the privilege of being able to send you .
2 I have not necessarily been understood , because they do n't always try to understand , but the feeling of warmth is either there or it is n't and that 's the only difference that counts .
3 but if once you can see it as a pattern , all this lot fit together and you 're not If you learn those four reactions separately a month apart or something yeah ?
4 erm Because the loggers have been , as I said earlier , logging 24 hours around the clock , and they 're supposed to be logging over a 70 year cycle , and they 're not because the companies have only got three year licenses , and basically the indigenous people have just had enough , so they started to block the logging roads .
5 I I I think really they er they forget that that there 's a quite a large number of the population , they do think about what 's going on , and they 're not all children and they 're not and are n't all that easy easily persuaded .
6 I think you 're , you 're often asked to do reactive tasks when I 've done all my tasks , you know I 've got all my staff doing this , and then I 've got to help down on the shopfloor , and it 's not that I 'm doing something that I 'm , you know , I should be doing as a manager , it 's that I 've done all of mine , and I 'm going out to give them a hand .
7 And it 's not until that economic climate changes that people are l are able to relate to what the politicians say .
8 ‘ There are two thirds of the season left and it 's not as cut and dried as everyone thinks , ’ he claimed .
9 You 're right , Dorigo is definitely one of our most consistent defenders , and it 's not as though we 've been blessed with an abundance of them in recent years !
10 But this time , all that is gone ; and it 's not because you have aged a lot , or changed .
11 I do n't really want to be seen as part of the team and it 's not because I do n't like them — they 're all nice people — it 's just that I do n't want to be The Word 's latest wanker .
12 of the , the national average and it 's not because erm they 're paying high wages to get the , the most able people , it 's because there are mechanisms , institutional mechanisms that keep wages high , there 's no market in the jobs for , th these are generalizations but I think they are fairly , fairly true erm becau there is no market for er for the jobs , for civil service jobs that appointments are made and it is much more important who you know than , than what , what you know and the old boy network , as it 's called , in this country is fairly important in the English Civil Service but a similar sort of network tends to be far more important in developing countries , something that is euphemistically called patronage erm but we might call the old boy network or er er jobs for the boys whatever , but erm
13 And it is n't that we do n't understand ;
14 And it is n't because the workers wo n't work hard enough , not when three million do n't even have the chance .
15 And it is not that she knows me to be bad or weak , or you either , but her conventional mind could not grasp that a thing so often impure , can be made absolutely and perfectly pure .
16 It is not that students will get turned off by being given unconnected dollops of philosophy and sociology , and it is not that bringing in specialists in philosophy and sociology will lead to an incoherent curriculum , although both are true .
17 He was still king in 779 when he granted land to the bishop of Rochester ( CS 228 : S 36 ) and it is not until 784 that a new king , Ealhmund , appears , granting land to the abbot of Reculver ( CS 243 : S 38 ) .
18 We are introduced to Imamu in the first sentence of ‘ The Disappearance ’ seeing as he is one of the main characters of the book , but although Boo Radley plays a large part in ‘ To Kill a Mockingbird ’ , I would n't consider him to be one of the main characters and it is not until we are well into chapter one that Boo is first mentioned .
19 I began to sweat , and it was not because of the boy 's weight .
20 It took a further eight years before classes got under way , and then only in medicine , and it was not till well into the 1850s that it became really established .
21 We called at the cottage at night , and found he was very ill , and it was not till the factor assured him he was joking , and that he had swallowed none other than the best of whiskey , that he rose from bed , and Donald was himself again .
22 The Peloponnesians ravaged the mine district in 430 ( Thuc. ii.55 ) , but it is hard to destroy a mine without explosives , and it was not till the Spartans envisaged setting up a fort on Attic territory at Decelea ( p. 142 ) that there could be talk of seriously damaging Athens ' mining revenues ( vi.91 ) .
23 Dr Booth was admittedly ‘ horrified by the amount of fat it carried ’ and it was not until he saw wild boar in a wild life park in France that he realised the opportunities .
24 Musicale was blocked for a run in the home straight and it was not until Pat Eddery secured an opening just over a furlong out that the filly looked likely to cut down Lord Huntingdon 's Wiedniu .
25 Although the crossbow is known to have existed as early as the fourth century , its main use was as a hunting weapon and it was not until the latter part of the twelfth century that it became a major military weapon .
26 However , Merrow who had already been relegated , put up a spirited display and it was not until the second half that Haslemere gained any real control .
27 The merged ‘ Norfolk and Suffolk Polled ’ could be any colour as long as it was polled and it was not until the Red Poll herdbook was formed in 1874 that the colour of the breed was formally agreed as red , preferably deep in colour , with a red udder ; white touches were permitted only in the tail switch , or on the udder and just in front of the udder on the inside flank .
28 After the lecture there were tea and refreshments and it was not until fairly late that I rang Emily just to say Hello , and how sorry I was to be too busy to get over to the house to see her this trip .
29 The report was first published on 13th July , with only the Proceedings , and it was not until after the close of the Parliamentary session that a full document with minutes of evidence , appendices , a map and an index appeared .
30 Everything was very hush-hush , and it was not until it was over that the name of the target was made common knowledge — not that it would have been of any interest to us if we had known beforehand , because none of us had ever heard of it .
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