Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] be [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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31 The wood opposite was smoking with dusk again and I was looking forward to seeing the orderly , when my door was opened and I was told that I would be moved across to the main camp at once .
32 He could get up to all sorts of tricks and I was told that when another one of the lads at the same farm applied for a job as a coachman , Grandad gave him a reference .
33 First , my pet rabbit died ; one morning I found it stiff and cold in its hutch , for no apparent reason , and I was told that it was dead .
34 Once I was given the address of Mikhoels ' wife , Anastasiya Pavlovna Pototskaya , and I was told that she had a lot of Chagalls , and that she may possibly want to sell them .
35 Yeah , erm I er , I 'd given up erm about se seven weeks ago , and I was told that it was an anti-depressant and when I came off the cigarettes it was just terrible !
36 Last night I visited the Queen Mary and Westfield college in the Mile End road and I was told that it was soon to have a level of computers of almost one work station for every six students .
37 I have asked parliamentary questions about the illegal sale and possession of knives and I was told that 150 people were prosecuted in 1988 for having in a public place such an article with a blade or point and in 1989 , it was 2,018 — a huge jump .
38 The queue on Sat am was outrageous , and I was told that the end of it would n't get Oxford tickets , so I just left and hoped for the best with the fax request .
39 Er and I was told that I was n't entitled to any money anyway because I was self-employed and I only paid the stamp .
40 they 're not putting money into delegated budgets now , I , I , I was a teacher , a head teacher and I was told that the erm , the essential , the educational departments finding more money for devices and to give advice to school , now , they 're all unnecessary as it is , I would say , we are the ones that carry out the job , we 're on the ground , we 've got to do it .
41 One reading of Dr. Alex Forbes ' , Cancer and its Non-toxic Treatment , coupled with Ute Brookman 's The Diet , both Bristol Cancer Help Centre publications , and I was persuaded that the purposes of the diet were absolutely reasonable .
42 However , if this is not possible , and you are informed that your project needs planning permission , then a number of environmental issues may have to be considered .
43 Traditionally , her top class has spent a residential week at Paignton Zoo and she is determined that , given the restriction on charging for activities within school hours , the tradition will be maintained ad infinitum .
44 This had never happened to her before , and she was dumbfounded that , in the course of a few seconds , her life could change so much .
45 And she was determined that this would not happen .
46 And she was determined that I was going to fall in love with the girl .
47 The diagnosis was explained and she was reassured that there was no serious disease .
48 He sounded weary and she was reminded that he must be very tired .
49 All parking signs have now been placed in position as requested by the Committee , and we are assured that twelve parking places are to be delineated at the Nursing Home end , which should alleviate the parking problem .
50 The birds nests on the roofs of 81 , 84 , 110 and others have been reported to Messrs. Cresta , and we are assured that these will be attended to .
51 This is an important time in the development of financial institutions across the community and we are determined that the actuarial professional should play its part in laying the proper foundations , to ensure the most effective protection for the rights and security of the ultimate consumer
52 As my hon. Friend says , inflation is low and we are determined that it will stay low .
53 Exactly , and we are encouraged that more and more hoteliers are taking advantage of this particular scheme , because it is a good scheme .
54 His father 's library was open to him and we are told that his ‘ father set him very early to learn portions of the works of the best English poets by heart , so that at a very early age he could repeat large portions of Shakespeare , Milton , and Spenser ’ .
55 The alleged motive which John did not dispute was that he committed this crime to conceal another crime being the murder of MOIR McILCHENICH widow in Ellister and we are told that the last mentioned murder of the widow was " discovered " ( probably means committed ) by him and others .
56 In the church , the blacks have no hymnbooks , and we are told that even if they had them they probably could not read them , showing that the blacks are oppressed and have no opportunity of an education .
57 They are responsible about their productive processes and they are responsible about the design of car engines and we are told that the market will find ways to deal with this , but surely it can not , for after all the market is mindless , so it can not take into account either the future or the needs and wishes of people other than those who have the purchasing power for immediate consumption .
58 A statement from the IAAF 's London headquarters said : ‘ Our position remains the same and we are advised that the US courts have no jurisdiction over the IAAF . ’
59 Erm I am confident that Eurofighter are grasping the thorny problem now in a very businesslike way and er are making the individual partner companies fully accountable for the systems for which they have design responsibility and this again is a aspect of the renegotiation of the contract which we think is very important and we 're determined that er this will happen .
60 That is to say that both bitmap and vector graphics are supported a la Corel 3 , but a lot faster ( and we 're told that this being a Beta version , there 's a fair amount of debugging code in the software that will slow it down .
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