Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [be] often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In most universities , he or she is often called the vice-chancellor — the title " chancellor " being reserved for another notable figure who fills that largely ceremonial and dignified office .
2 My father , my mother and I were often asked to spend Sunday afternoons in the country , but sometimes , unless a horse and cart were sent to collect us , we could not go because the families who invited us lived too far away .
3 ‘ It was very lonely work , and I was often perished with cold before the end of the day .
4 We were talking earlier , and I understand you liked to ride at the weekends , and you 're often competing on your horse , er , ha , if you were to have a fall , and erm , you had a back injury , or erm , you sustained an injury that would you keep you from work for a substantial amount of time , er , how would you feel , would you be able to pay your premiums ?
5 ‘ Songs were specially composed for her by such distinguished musicians as WSGwynn Williams and Meirion Williams , and she was often referred to as ‘ the second Katherine Ferrier ’ , ’ he said .
6 At first , her face burned and she was often defeated in her purpose but within a few weeks she was indistinguishable from the seasoned bargainers .
7 Her bad temper was notorious , and she was often depicted with a beard and a bow and arrow , testifying to her warlike character .
8 ‘ Peter was born in the room above the restaurant and we are often asked about his links with the building .
9 And the only horn and we 're often dealing with with only the only this , the only that .
10 The muddle and rush were greater even than at Reading , and we were often kept there for some twenty minutes .
11 ‘ It does n't embarrass them and they are often gripped with interest as they learn .
12 The Conservative Party itself has tended to lend its weight to the prevailing set-up ( perhaps because it can win within it ) , but the constitutional authorities are , by definition , Establishment figures and they are often identified with Toryism .
13 Patents do , however , have some value in securing royalty income , and they are often used to trade for access to other technologies developed by other firms .
14 These had been found in the fragmentary vertebrates such as Astraspis and Eriptychius , long known from Middle Ordovician rocks of North America , and they were often regarded as showing primitive vertebrate conditions from which the large shields of more typical pteraspids developed .
15 Throughout 1987 , the music papers constantly referred to The Wedding Present as The Smiths ' second favourite group , and they were often compared to each other .
16 But that is explained , partly , by the fact that Mike did the negotiations himself and they were often done face to face with Jefferson .
17 Harsh discipline was the child 's lot , and they were often terrorized deliberately and , not infrequently , sexually abused .
18 His unsuccessful serious plays had drawn on the Harold Pinter trick of having two different conversations continuing at the same time , and they were often returned with the comment that he had copied the playwright .
19 More confusion arose over the terms " project work " , " coursework " , " investigations ' and " problem solving " and they were often used indiscriminately .
20 He and Leslie have regular lessons with Dorothy Willis , mainstay of Ginny Leng 's team at Ivyleaze , and he is often schooled over showjumps at the local Hartpury College where the facilities are excellent .
21 Most of the youngsters know him by name and he is often called to Hendon police station when they get into trouble with the law .
22 Helios was thought to see and know everything , and he was often invoked in blessings ; his fault was that he could not keep a secret .
23 Luigi was also the dentist 's assistant , and he was often called upon to perform urgent extractions himself , as the dentist only held a surgery once a week .
24 He 'd walk me home from school and it 's often said that he carried my ballet shoes , which sounds kind of romantic , but he actually did sometimes , if I was carrying a whole load of things .
25 It 's effectively isolated from the rest of the country and it 's often forgotten in conversation when people say well I was at Bristol , in your part of the world er at the weekend .
26 In other words the marginal social cost of provision is zero , and it is often argued in welfare economics that the ‘ efficiency ’ price should , therefore , be zero .
27 This system is also used by fish to find food , and it is often tuned to the body vibrations of prey .
28 We go further , and it is often said that God has revealed his Spirit as much in Buddhism and Hinduism as in Christianity ; indeed , as much in atheism as in theism .
29 The ability to draw on such knowledge is an essential aspect of discourse interpretation and it is often employed by subjects in the kind of memory experiments which we have just described .
30 People listen quietly , and it is often balanced by a concluding piece at the end of the service during which the congregation remains quietly seated .
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