Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [be] not [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm thinking : I 'm not wearing this , or I 'm not wearing that , my leg shows in that ; but it 's funny , it 's only really at parties that I worry about things like that .
2 ‘ Tell me now , or I 'm not going to be able to . ’
3 You know , I , I maintain if you 're gardening you 're thinking about work , or you 're not thinking about watering or whatever you should be doing in gardening .
4 The weather 's a bit grotty or you know , or you 're not feeling too good , it 's easier to get a car , you know , to get a lift in with someone .
5 Or you 're not going to Lee Ann 's .
6 Get her back on or she 's not having this I 'm sorry about that hang on just a minute block your ears I 'm just going to spin round again okay hang on oops er are you their Rachael are you there ?
7 If you do n't tell him it though and you assume he 's gon na to pick it up just by looking at your eyes he 's not going to or she 's not going to pick it up .
8 The first do n't is not to believe that the child is lazy because he or she is not managing to spell .
9 However , as with every part of the curriculum , there is a wider perspective to be taken into account , and that is the fact that there is a limit on what an individual teacher can achieve if he or she is not working in harmony with the rest of the school .
10 But for the average home-owner to find good taste cheaply , displayed informally , and feel certain that he or she was not making a mistake because it was already arranged and coordinated , was quite new to Parisians .
11 ‘ He means , ’ said Rita , slowly , in her loud classroom voice , ‘ anyone could walk in as long as he or she were not carrying a package that did look suspicious . ’
12 If my girlfriend f—s somebody else , or if I f— somebody else , or we 're not getting along , it 's always my reaction to write about things .
13 just pure inset , and just headquarters , that 's all they 're interested in , not whether he knows his job or not , not whether he could give advice because he has no control over whatever comes into that shop , he does n't decide we 're not having these T-shirts in or , or we 're not having these suits in because really they 're a load of rubbish , headquarters decides it , all he does is put a nice little display out , usually , and it 's shown how to do it by headquarters and so on , these people come round and show them what to do and so on , do all that , in fact he 's as much expertise in there as I have or you have , anybody could literally with a bit of training in the company way of doing things
14 The either they 're all going to agree and there 's no problem anyway , or they 're not going to agree in which case you saying they 've got to be two rather than three is n't going to help the situation .
15 People are either not coming or they 're not spending as much .
16 There is some professional resistance , in the sense that people who 've done a lot of work on programming get used to certain sorts of languages , and if you make proposals about teaching some new way of dealing with computers , they throw up their hands in horror , and object that this is going to be inefficient , or it 's not going to prepare people adequately for what goes on in industry , or whatever .
17 and we 'll sort it out ourselves and what they do , if a customer says oh there 's a phone that 's broke , or it 's not working or something like that , they 'll say oh okay we 'll get in touch with the maintenance for you , you see , cos he 's making nowt out of it , if you say we dropped the phone and broke it , well we 'll send a and then they send an engin one of their blokes out with a replacement phone and charge him for a new one , once they say wants some re-programming doing , oh yeah were sending an engineer round and they get , the dealer then gets the money for it so all we get is the flack end of it you know so we , a service contract it 's priced because , low because you know you 're gon na make a bit on moves and changes
18 Either it is raining or it is not raining .
19 I honestly do not see anything wrong with that , and I am not complaining about it .
20 She is pleasant enough but how reliable I can not say and I am not depending on her for the birth .
21 ‘ He said ‘ it 's not bad , is it ’ , but I have seen it before at different levels and I am not looking at it too much at this stage .
22 And I am not suggesting that learning to relax will change a single external circumstance ; what it will change is the effect those external circumstances have on your mind and body .
23 Whilst that may be interesting ( and I am not suggesting that we should refrain totally from such activity ) , something more is needed if we are really to approach the Earth and the earth spirit with any depth and with any hope of useful results .
24 I appreciate the difficulties that my right Hon. Friend faces and I am not criticising him , but would it not be a good idea to consider a combination of more all-day European supply days such as the one next Thursday , longer debates-late at night , if necessary the sending of more business upstairs to Committee whenever a particular document makes that relevant and also , once a month , having a longer Friday afternoon session so that European enthusiasts , such as my Hon. Friend the Member for Southend , East ( Mr. Taylor ) , myself and others can take part .
25 I appreciate the difficulties that my right Hon. Friend faces and I am not criticising him , but would it not be a good idea to consider a combination of more all-day European supply days such as the one next Thursday , longer debates , late at night , if necessary the sending of more business upstairs to Committee whenever a particular document makes that relevant and also , once a month , having a longer Friday afternoon session so that European enthusiasts , such as my Hon. Friend the Member for Southend , East ( Mr. Taylor ) , myself and others can take part .
26 His mates nodded and one said , ‘ I agree with George , I 've never known such a feeling of evil and I am not risking my neck for anyone . ’
27 A ‘ hard case ’ — and I am not disputing that for the Bland parents it is indeed a very hard case — has been found which can , and I believe will , be skilfully exploited to justify the ‘ dignified ’ removal of a subtly-expanding range of people who will be deemed to be living lives which are below some ‘ expert 's ’ criterion of an acceptable standard .
28 Mr. Win : Unlike Conservative Members , I am an admirer of the SDA and I am not attacking it in any way .
29 And I am not planning to seduce you . ’
30 ‘ We do fly to St Kitts from Antigua but we serve many small islands and I am not going to say which one is involved . ’
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