Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [verb] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Any new ratepayer has six months to appeal from the date he or she became responsible for rates .
2 If the new person shows any signs of shock or fright , or if he or she stays purple for too long then give one dose of Aconite M .
3 Each club was deader than the last ; frigid and dirty , empty or inhospitable , with Robin increasingly silent and me feeling guilty for living in Hicksville .
4 And I felt sad for my parents .
5 He wore an expression of abject defeat and for a short moment my attention moved away from my own troubles and I felt sorry for him .
6 He was very good to me , and I felt sorry for him , Raoul .
7 And I felt sorry for her because she 'd lost — one of her — It died . ’
8 But I sat in yesterday afternoon and I felt sorry for the man 's daughter who 'd been given a hymn the service .
9 I consider this an ordeal that has tried my character , and I feel grateful for it . ’
10 When she catches sight of me she smiles and I feel guilty for scorning her .
11 Well , I 'll tell you something , if it is , we 'll have many more happy moments like it , because I feel I 've just found you and I feel sorry for Mother that she never found you . ’
12 Lord Mayor , I 've only been brought up under the National Health Service for thirty two years and I feel sorry for that poor doctor .
13 And I feel sorry for the officers ' families who have to know that every time they go to work they 're in this sort of danger .
14 I would like and I feel humble for asking , for anyone to write to me about the above .
15 The test is a series of movements in walk , trot and canter and you get marked for the movements in the test .
16 I must go now and you get ready for supper with the merchant fellow .
17 And you 're not really , and you feel guilty for being snappy but then you er know what I mean ?
18 She tried to mask her true feelings from her mother and sister , but her throat ached with tension and she felt desperate for some action to be taken , to try to search for him .
19 with , with my granddaughter , she , she did the same s she used to go and babysit at this girl 's house and she fe felt , she was only fourteen , and she felt sorry for her and she 'd go and babysit every night she 'd go and babysit and er but she used to b sit up in the bedroom , she never ever went down the sitting room thinking that the child 's mother was either down in the sitting room or just going out for a short while and coming back and then eventually they put erm a bed up in the child 's bedroom for Denise to stay there over nights and Pearl did n't worry at all , well she knew , knew where , at least she knew where and er this girl was bringing men back down in the sitting room every night , three or four , sometimes ten men in a night during the night !
20 Stephen seemed unperturbed , and she felt stupid for allowing the scene at the airport to upset her so much .
21 Her ambition to be a painter was thwarted by acute shortness of sight which made her turn to gardening , ‘ making pictures with living plants ’ to use her own words ; and she became famous for the gardens she created and the books she wrote .
22 For some reason this made her think of Finn , and she stood still for a moment , again waiting cautiously for any twinges of anguish , any signs of unhealed wounds .
23 The preceding week had seen days of heavy downpour and we came prepared for floods .
24 In school this progressive acquisition of domestic technology was taken for granted , and we felt sorry for those children who lagged behind .
25 There were frogs all round us , bubbling away , and we sat still for a bit and then he said , ‘ That 's the sound of Africa — it 's one of the things I love best ’ , and I knew he had n't been thinking about the baby or about me .
26 ‘ Still the guns churned this treacherous slime , the surplus water poured into the trenches as its natural outlet , and they became impossible for the troops … men staggered warily over duckboards .
27 ‘ Images ’ were a sort of charade , amateur theatricals to grace the hard face of commerce , and they became popular for their own sake .
28 The hospital staff have the skills to care for these patients such that after a month or two their behaviour improves and they become suitable for private care .
29 And they paid extra for one Mr Simonds to coach in football and hockey .
30 Then the smell of warm grass came to join that of the roses and gunpowder and he fell asleep for a few moments , dreaming of cricket fields and meadows .
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