Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 You er either phone us up at Road at Nottingham , or you call in to see us , and we 'll give you an an exact breakdown of what 's in your water supply .
2 Suppose you actually managed to escape all the harmful effects of tobacco but your child took up smoking because you smoked and he or she went on to develop one of those dreadful ( and often fatal ) illnesses .
3 Does he or she know when to do it ?
4 Does he or she know how to do it ?
5 Or we set out to take it there .
6 Anyone in possession of material inside information must either disclose it to the investing public or if he is disabled from disclosing it in order to protect a corporate confidence , or he chooses not to do so , must abstain from trading in or recommending the securities concerned while such inside information remains undisclosed .
7 A shadow fell across my sunny table and I looked up to find Kenneth who 'd been on a recce of the hospital , so after a lunch of ribs , skins , wings and blueberry pie , he was able to lead me through the appropriate doors of the vast , multi-entranced building .
8 Before a prayer had formed itself , a young brown hand covered mine and I looked round to see the turbaned head of the Youngest Son , his face half covered by his head-scarf , his eyes laughing , his whole figure straight against the storm as though he and it had made some truce .
9 But Robin-Anne did not react , and I looked down to see that she was not watching for the new day , but was crying .
10 But then they twitched again and I looked down to see , just above the sill , the curls and bright blue eyes of a snub-nosed child .
11 I have written elsewhere ( Bolton , 1982 ) that the basic skill of acting is : ‘ an ability to engage with something outside oneself using an ‘ as if ’ mental set to activate , sustain or intensify that engagement' and I go on to say , ‘ I am using the word ‘ engagement ’ as a central feature because it implies a relationship at an affective level between a person and the world outside him' ( p. 135 ) .
12 There is much hypocrisy practised against homosexuals and I hope not to contribute to it , but it is not all on the one side .
13 ‘ I have never known a patient wait for 10 hours for an ambulance for an inter-hospital transfer — and I hope never to know it again , ’ she said .
14 I can see the land is in good heart , and I remember enough to know the extent of the estates .
15 ‘ But some of the young people in the bar explained and I rushed off to get a camera . ’
16 At all other times , Evelyn and I rushed out to meet him if we heard that he was in the Gallery , so stimulating was his company .
17 His tone was dismissive , and I got up to go .
18 There was an embarrassing moment when I thought he was walking over to me to begin the programme and I got up to greet him .
19 Edward came back struggling with a load of planks , and I got up to help him .
20 I remember me getting up about three o'clock in the morning I heard the wind and I got up to look at the stack yard and start to put er bits of pit props and that into the nets and and and the wind was getting that strong the pit props was going flying over me head and I gave it up and made for and it 's certainly not a very high door at Greenspot but or a very big door but it took me all my time to get the door closed .
21 K. R. I saw a fellow having an epileptic fit and I got down to hold him while he kicked out .
22 Can I reiterate what he he actually said in a meeting with Calum er Carole Degucht er last year er he said I do y the honourable , my honourable friend said I do not see that uniformity means adopting a system of proportional representation and I 've yet to see a good case as to the merits of different states adopting the same procedure .
23 There was a slight tendency for the pickups to squeal when the amp was pushed hard and loud , but then I have to remind myself that this is a Korean-made instrument and I 've yet to find one with its pickups totally sorted out .
24 I listen to their stories , and I know when to let them sleep in the shade . ’
25 I know they get mouth rot and I know how to treat it , but I 'm not too clued up on their habits .
26 And I know how to do that .
27 I 've learned the application techniques from the most talented people in the business and I know how to make the most of my make-up with the least effort and time .
28 I must have fallen asleep , for I dreamed that a girl was kissing me open-mouthed , the touch of her tongue light as a butterfly , and her hand caressing , and I woke suddenly to find I was thoroughly roused .
29 I — I could n't just go in and — and I had nowhere to go so … ’
30 Nearly every farmer had a barrel of the stuff in his cow house in those days and I had only to go into the corner and turn the tap .
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