Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or I got a garden , I could occupy myself in the garden .
2 When my brother or I had a fever , my mother or my grandfather used to come here to find leaves or roots to cure it .
3 Erm I 've got a note , or I had a note to write to the admin at the university and I have done , erm saying that Derek 's been approaching people , apologising for not writing beforehand and saying that Derek 's been approaching people and if they 've got a problem they should write back P D Q.
4 Or I said the money you do n't spend .
5 For instance , I bought it from John and John sold it to me , or I received/got a letter from John and John sent me a letter are equally ‘ natural ’ as far as the phraseology of English is concerned ; their ‘ acceptability ’ is , of course , determined by the context in which they occur .
6 This little sugar plum fairy is either a changeling , or you had an affair with the milkman .
7 cos if you were stopped or you had an accident
8 ‘ Tell me , are you paid to do this , or you got a problem with this man ? ’
9 It 's either that or you 'd no job , and
10 If the comb is n't level , it may be because you did n't put it in symmetrically , or that the weights are n't positioned symmetrically , or it 's caught on the ribber , or you tied the end of the yarn to the clamp when you started .
11 Because the definition of ‘ informal carer ’ can be so vague , we decided to focus on each person 's principal carer ( if there was one ) , defined on the objective criterion that he or she spent a minimum of seven hours per week ( on average one hour per day ) doing things with or on behalf of the dementia sufferer , rather than rely on the more subjective criterion of who appears to be most responsible for the sufferer .
12 Now of course that , it is the defendant 's case I anticipate , erm is er , although there 's nothing specific in the rule about it , is said to be er only a possibility for a plaintiff if the plaintiff when they sell , he or she served the notice to complete is in a position to be able to complete himself and here .
13 A duty solicitor had an obligation to provide advice to persons in custody and , if desired , to make a bail application ; he or she had a discretion to provide advice and representation to defendants , whether or not in custody , in cases involving imprisonable offences , and even in connection with non-imprisonable offences in exceptional cases .
14 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
15 Similarly , in order for occupation of land to amount to a tenancy , the courts have held that the claimant must show that he or she had the right to , and did , exclude the landlord .
16 She left one out as both she and the baby dozed ; or she placed the baby on the table and lifted a breast to its mouth .
17 ‘ Tell your client , ’ said the voice at the other end of the phone , ‘ that he or she would have a better chance of establishing who is or is not responsible for his or her dustbins if he or she employed a lawyer who did n't address his inquiries to people whose principal concern is pharmacology . ’
18 ( 4 ) A solicitor 's employee who would not otherwise qualify under sub-paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) of this rule to manage an office and who was 50 years of age or more on and had at that date been continuously employed in connection with the practice of that solicitor for not less than 20 years shall , provided he or she exercised the duty of management at that date , be entitled to continue to do so until retiring or attaining the age of 70 years , whichever first happens .
19 Perhaps we had , or we had no idea what they had to offer .
20 Somebody was telling me the Rocky was on R5 the other week & said that when he was with Arsenal & they won the league at Liverpool in the last few minutes , Arsenal were 13 ( ? ) points clear at the new year but still had to come from behind to overtake Liverpool ! ! !
21 Brothers created elaborate practical arrangements to emphasize their equality ; or they divided the household if they thought the implicit pattern of seniority too discrepant with the facts .
22 Animals , like humans , were either endogamous or exogamous , they preferred the familiar or they preferred the novel .
23 Or they elevated the morbidity of the prison-gate crowd to the patriotism of ordinary men and women who ‘ travelled miles to be outside the prison when justice was done ’ .
24 Either the youngsters have a view of the world that is the complete opposite to that of their seniors , or they decided a man of the church should be left to get closer to the heavens .
25 Aunt Hettie and Uncle Fred said nothing , bless them , when I puffed my way through a packet of cigarettes or they smelt a hint of beer on my breath .
26 ‘ I do n't think anyone let it in , I 'd guess the door was open or it had a key . ’
27 If you 're feeling depressed after the event — you 've wasted so long and it 's now an anti-climax , or it proved a disaster — the practitioner would concentrate on your lungs and large intestinal area .
28 Thus the judge 's exercise of the discretion entrusted to him stands unless he exercised his discretion on some erroneous principle or he misunderstood the evidence or he was plainly wrong .
29 Either he wanted to suffer , or he liked the idea of being treated less fussily than in the more expensive wards .
30 Still , Will had driven from his Stockport home for the twin purposes of getting some exercise and talking about his book , and neither he nor I fancied a day in sad cafe ambience doing nothing but the latter .
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