Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] who have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Points to stress include stability , an encouraging and positive attitude to education , parents or relatives who have been involved in similar work , and an enthusiastic attitude to hard work .
2 There is some evidence that cervical cancer is more common in women who smoke cigarettes , especially heavy smokers or women who have been smoking for several years .
3 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , sociologists and anthropologists , including Émile Durkheim , were interested in the reports of travellers and missionaries who had been to parts of Australasia .
4 It is sad when sisters and brothers who have been on good terms quarrel about who gets what , whether the reasons for wanting a particular item are commercial or sentimental .
5 It was greatly feared , in fact , that the structure of employment was such that it supplied the rising generation with little discipline and even less skill , and that it threatened to produce an endless tide of loafers , unemployables and ne'er-do-wells who had been thrown on to the scrap heap in their late teens or early twenties .
6 Today it is a tribute to the French architects and craftsmen who have been restoring it so faithfully ever since .
7 This was not , however , immediately apparent to those photographers , instrument makers and lanternists who had been fired up to experiment with moving pictures after hearing reports of Edison 's Kinetoscope , the original what-the-butler-saw machine , or witnessing the first projection of films made by the Lumière Brothers in 1896 .
8 To help ensure diving community safety , PADI now publish the names of PADI divemasters , assistant instructors and instructors who have been suspended or expelled from PADI , and therefore may no longer teach PADI courses or issue PADI certifications .
9 It was intended to follow up , through the records , all the Blacks and Asians who had been arrested , and a sample of the Whites .
10 Some people have been surprised and relieved to discover that HIV has been suspected by friends and relatives who have been anxious to help , yet afraid to ask .
11 The poets and writers who had been instrumental in organizing the younger painters at the Indépendants also played a large part in uniting the different aspects of Cubism .
12 In 1928 William Robson published Justice and Administrative Law , a landmark text which he later described as an attempt ‘ to dispel the illusion held by all the leading lawyers , politicians , civil servants and academics who had been brought up on Dicey 's Law of the Constitution that in Britain there was no administrative law ’ In this book Robson argued that ‘ no modern student of law or political science has today the slightest doubt that there exists in England a vast body of administrative law ’ and that ‘ the problem is not to discover it but rather to master its widespread ramifications and reduce it to some kind of order and coherence ’ .
13 Various generals and admirals who had been prominent in the war effort were put on trial for their lives in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East ( IMTFE ) , which met in Tokyo between 1946 and 1948 .
14 Schools seem less reluctant to accept that the difficulties some children experience may well point to a more general problem in school or classroom interaction ; and teachers who have been helped to respond more appropriately to those pupils whom they had found most difficult to teach , have found that in the process they were becoming better teachers to their other pupils as well , with their job satisfaction rising accordingly .
15 My Lords , is my Noble Friend aware that many parents and teachers who have been deeply dissatisfied and disillusioned by local education authority schools in fact just set up their own new schools which are providing excellent education and really meeting those parental wishes , often with very strong er spiritual and moral values .
16 The story went that he was a dealer in jewels and furs who had been discharged from the army after Dunkirk .
17 The Lord Willington looked the sort of place into which dishonest rascals might put their inconvenient relations in order to get them out of the way : uncles with the DTs , incontinent aunts , senile grandads , and cousins who 'd been odd since they were born .
18 But when I got there I found I was in with kids who 'd been nicked for stealing or who 'd been on drugs or alcohol or glue , and girls who had been on the streets at 13 .
19 Now rugby union 's league season is coming to the final fences … three games to go and there 's better news of Gloucester … the Cherry and Whites who 've been fighting off the threat of relegation all season won at Northampton on saturday and should be safe …
20 But other shocks to the system followed in quick succession : a new language and culture ; the insensitivity , not always unintentional , of foster parents , teachers and hostel administrators ; the cruelty of other children ( and some adults ) who equated all things German with Nazism ; the coming-to-terms with the long-term or permanent loss of family and friends who had been left behind , and the awareness that refugees could not expect to be treated other than as second-class citizens — to mention only the common causes of illness and depression .
21 Never had anything been so well trumpeted to me ; surely there had been an element of hyperbole from so many colleagues and friends who had been going to the jamboree for years ?
22 They had served deaf people faithfully and with devotion for more than a century and were correctly described in the same editorial as " dedicated men , universal guides philosopher , and friends who had been on call at every hour of the day .
23 More typically , the Unionist belief in the Empire was set against the Liberal plans to break up the United Kingdom , as in the leaflet Under which flag ? of July 1914 : this made the comparison between Unionists who had fought in South Africa and Liberals who had been pro-Boer and who would now shoot loyal Ulstermen .
24 But in the sold out hall , a full scale riot had broken out and police who had been called did not allow the band to go back onstage .
25 But in the sold out hall , a full scale riot had broken out and police who had been called did not allow the band to go back onstage .
26 We hope that part of its brief will be to research the views of children , relatives and adopters who have been involved in both open and more traditional adoptions .
27 A whole array of faces came and went , of children who were at her school and children who had been there once .
28 They should be compared with other professional organizations , such as the National Association of Salvadorean Nurses , which have published lists of armed incursions into hospitals by the security forces , together with the names of patients , doctors and nurses who have been killed .
29 The survey included people receiving ICA , some who had stopped receiving ICA three to twelve months previously , and others who had been refused the allowance .
30 One immediate response to the CEGB 's announcement was the formation of the Alliance Against Hinkley C. This brought together a mixture of Friends of the Earth supporters from Bristol — only some twenty-five miles north of Hinkley — and others who had been active in the Somerset anti-waste-dumping campaign of the 1970s .
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