Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] had [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Finzi lost several close relatives during the First World War , and I think that his pacifist stance developed while he was still a young man , and of course , so many influential writers and musicians had lost their lives in the trenches — take Arthur Butterworth , for example . ’
2 The fromagiers and sellers of glistening fish and plump fruits and vegetables had cleared their stalls from the market hours ago and left the place to scavenging pigeons .
3 This had been assisted by the existence in abundance of certain forms of animal life in the foundations : ants , cockroaches and flies had done their bit , but the mice and rats had had their flesh encounters too .
4 Even those who were royal servants , like Archbishop Reynolds himself , by their efforts in the preceding months and years to reconcile king and barons had demonstrated their concern with the peace of the community , which may explain also why they thought it prudent to prefer the Despensers — able royal servants that they were — to the unpredictable and scarcely less disruptive earl of Lancaster .
5 This had been assisted by the existence in abundance of certain forms of animal life in the foundations : ants , cockroaches and flies had done their bit , but the mice and rats had had their flesh encounters too .
6 He raised the tension from episode to episode until the mill girls of the north and midlands had to buy their own copies rather than waiting to borrow one .
7 In Alexandria he found that the railway meandered down to the beach and passengers had to find their way on to the trains without any benefit of station buildings .
8 Other older husbands and wives had adapted their work ( by changing jobs ) to help a son who was trying to set up in farming .
9 He said that police in Moray had begun investigating the increase of ecstasy use in the area at the beginning of 1992 after parents and teachers had reported their concern .
10 The pair , both of Bridgeview Drive , Inverness , had fled in heavy snow after an alarm went off and police had followed their footprints .
11 The staircase was ornamented at intervals with classical figures , chastely draped , and there was still a sweet primness in the graceful propriety of their attitudes though some were lacking a hand or an arm and others had had their noses rot away or even been entirely decapitated by exposure to the elements , and all were soot-stained and weather-beaten .
12 Subsequently , the three were to be released on the grounds that the statements of King and others had prejudiced their case .
13 The playing bondholders were also asked to pay the new extra , voluntary subscription and non-players had to forego their meagre interest .
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