Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Television programmes or books that make you laugh will do you far more good .
2 Once again , just to refresh your memory : If you experience any signs or symptoms that indicate you may be allergic to a food or drink , eliminate if from your diet quickly .
3 I think once more , but now for the last time , I 'm going to turn back again to the preface to The Reason of Church Government and whoops and read you one more sentence erm in which he is apologizing once more for having entered the fray , the political fray ‘ But although a poet , soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , might without apology speak more of himself than I mean to do , yet for me , sitting here below in the cool element of prose , a mortal thing among many readers of no imperial conceit , to venture and divulge unusual things of myself , I shall petition to the gentler sort it may not be envy to me . ’
4 Get into shape for your honeymoon with the minimum of effort ’ A BaByliss BodyToner Plus will tone up hips and thighs and have you looking firm and trim on the beach .
5 Because someone told you something and your imagination got to work , generating negative thoughts and images that gripped you .
6 The most obvious possibility is to be able to call up a video window on the screen which can deliver a helpline operator 's face and words and enable you to resolve your problem .
7 Like so many crafts , if you are to enjoy flower pressing to the full you must find the method , materials and styles that suit you best , and you will only do this through trial and error .
8 but I can not emphasize too strongly that you should only choose furniture and furnishings that make you feel comfortable .
9 If you do n't learn , at school they 'd give you detention and lines and punish you for not doing it , if you do n't do it at college it 'll be your mistake and your fault
10 ‘ They want to charge you with all the murders and assaults and take you to court , day after tomorrow . ’
11 But the rewards will be in direct proportion to the activity and efforts and work you put in .
12 It set off packed from top to bottom with Sheffield area anglers , fishing rods and maggots and dropped you off on the canal at Clayworth where George lived until he died about ten years ago .
13 ‘ And the sleep fragrance releases smells of roses , the tropics and things that remind you of sleepy lazy days . ’
14 The clay tiles that surround this text are just a taste of the wealth of colours , forms and textures that await you .
15 Bastard teacher he 's the one that reacts and freaks and pisses you off do n't know .
16 Some nurses are very enthusiastic about the bank as a route of re-entry , as it enables you to sample different wards and departments and introduces you to new people .
17 Written by Kris Jamsa , it promises to reveal all his trade secrets and shortcuts and to have you recording , playing back , editing and printing macros ‘ faster than you ever thought possible ’ … and it comes with a disk filled with ready to use macros for beginners ( yes but will they understand the book ? ) as well as high performance macros for WordPerfect power users .
18 Not poems that make you feel on the edge of space but poems that make you feel you contain space inside yourself .
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