Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [prep] people [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These hand-sized products will have a screen and an electronic pen and will be used to send electronic notes or postcards to people via digital signal processors transmitted over phone lines or radio networks .
2 I would like to hear from anyone who has worked with a group of parents or carers of people with learning or difficulties in preparing them for their son 's daughter 's move from the family home into a group home .
3 They are also a matter of political economy , in the sense that some measures best represent some socioeconomic systems while they discriminate against , perhaps by undervaluing the products of , other socio-economic systems or classes of people within a system .
4 With regard to this duty , there were no instances in the observational data where policewomen were deliberately sent to deal with injuries to children , for example , or injuries to people in road traffic accidents , functions which senior managers think them very suited to .
5 Such conclusions , drawn from detailed analyses of the views and attitudes of people in different parts of the country , present those who plan services with an immediate challenge-the need to understand the dynamics of ‘ neighbouring ’ in their own localities .
6 Pupils need to learn that a biased document can be very useful indeed to the historian , because it may offer us insights into motives and attitudes of people in the past .
7 ‘ A lot of it is charming because the way of speaking and attitudes of people in those days now becomes an amusing factor .
8 If you have embarked on this decision , entertaining friends at home may became increasingly difficult too , for your parent may look forward always to being present on these occasions , without realising for one moment that her daughter needs the opportunity sometimes to be able to relate to her friends alone , so that she can project her personality freely and share confidences and opinions with people of her own generation .
9 Indeed , pupils should come to realise that biased sources are often very valuable to the historian in revealing the attitudes and values of people in the past .
10 The group of demonstrators , calling themselves Stop AIDS now or else — Golden Gate Chapter , was made up of people from various sectors of the AIDS movement and members of ACT-UP , personal care givers and supporters of people with AIDS .
11 Functional representation through organized interests representing the needs and demands of people in similar positions is as important to the pluralist as individual representation through the election of someone to represent the interests of a territorial constituency in a democratic assembly organized on majoritarian principles .
12 If the local authorities had been given the money that has been poured into the private sector to be spent on domiciliary packages , more home helps , special care attendance and occupational budgets to provide aids and adaptations for people in their own homes , we could have saved the Government and the country millions of pounds .
13 It applies to homes for elderly people and homes for people with disabilities , mental health or addiction problems .
14 The dual element will be a cause of great confusion , which will be compounded by the proposals for other discounts and rebates for people on low incomes .
15 To enable pupils to identify with situations , beliefs and experiences of people in the past and to increase their awareness of the influences which have shaped attitudes in the past .
16 It 's the ultimate insult when that politician belongs to a political party that throughout twelve years of Government has washed his hands of any responsibility for the rights and aspirations of people with disabilities .
17 There is little evidence available either to assess the magnitude of any labour market disincentives created by existing disability benefits or to predict the impact of the proposed reforms on the employment and incomes of people with disabilities .
18 Such work can serve societal purposes , of the deepest kind : not as food , or as shelter , or as tools , but as ‘ recognitions ’ ( both new and confirming marks ) of people and kinds of people in places and kinds of place , and indeed often as more than this , as ‘ recognitions ’ of a physical species in a practically shared physical universe , with its marvellously diverse interactions of senses , forces , potentials .
19 They will preserve the books and ideas of people before them .
20 As a practical training method , however , the approach has proved less than popular on account of the threats posed to individuals by the exposure of their beliefs , attitudes and feelings to people with whom they have to work .
21 The suggestions that follow — based on studies and observations of people in happy , enduring marriages — can serve as a useful guideline for all couples .
22 Assistance with rent and rates for people on a low income is available not only to council tenants , but also to tenants or private landlords , those who live in housing association accommodation and owner occupiers .
23 Last night Richard Bond , 27 , was out with his float collecting milk money and gifts from people on his round who have agreed to help out with the appeal .
24 The Holy Spirit has broken through all the man-made obstacles , and has incorporated all types and backgrounds of people in the messianic community .
25 Even within agencies , the aims and approaches of people at different levels of the professional hierarchy are often at odds .
26 There are exemptions and benefits for people on low incomes .
27 When professionals who work in mental health services talk of an ‘ integrated , comprehensive , seamless service ’ they mean a service where acute hospital beds , hostels , group homes , community teams and services for people in their own homes , are all managed as one service with one team of people who have total responsibility .
28 Firstly , in a society which is consumer-orientated and largely sympathetic to the provision of welfare services , a considerable proportion of both private and public investment is geared to providing goods and services to people within fairly easy reach of their homes .
29 A manager might seek to bypass formal channels of communication and decision-making by establishing informal contacts and friendships with people in a position of importance .
30 Over the past couple of years , a number of organisations have been launched offering services and facilities to people in the 50-plus age group .
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