Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] with [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They can be gathered or pleated with most headings , provided the depth of the heading is in proportion to the depth of the valance .
2 Or the poem might be one which has the opposite effect , lulling him in established habits of perception and feeling , or fascinating with some novel and appealing fashion in self-deception .
3 You are more likely to have a productive and relaxed discussion if you are not sexually aroused , or drunk , tired or angry with each other .
4 From my present point of view the question of whether the manufacturers on opposite sides of a human arms race are enemies of each other or identical with each other is irrelevant , and interestingly so .
5 Of course this possibility is dependent on national markets being ‘ segmented ’ or uncorrelated with each other .
6 So , we 're home and dry with some help for these people .
7 Even easier is to work the samples as a strip for the length of a sweater , sew the strips together , hang the top edge on to needles and complete with some rib for slash neckline .
8 Many writers , at first , feel frustrated and dissatisfied with this aspect of their work , rather as an archer does when he is learning to hit a moving target .
9 He wrote that it was not as he had pictured it as the weather was bitterly cold and wet with some snow .
10 It is so exciting and skilful with many characters .
11 What does that mean for these people who are listening and and involved with these schools ?
12 ‘ It was just that we were strangers and awkward with each other , whereas Suzie was malleable .
13 The 21-year-old winger is seen by Porterfield as a player for the future : ‘ He is big , strong , quick and good with both feet .
14 It 's real smoky and noisy with this traffic .
15 In what follows , I shall play fast and loose with these words and the subtle distinctions between them .
16 Were they loving and tender with each other ?
17 In general , tribunal chairmen are well-informed and familiar with most authorities .
18 It was impossible to be polite and distant with this man .
19 The beach is narrow and sandy with enough room to spread out .
20 They cried together until they were warm and salty with each other 's tears .
21 Comments : fairly standard fruit cake , which is buttery and moist with some cherries .
22 Remaining parts of England , along with Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland will start dry and bright with some sunshine .
23 They 'll complain about the price , and be gauche and horrid with each other and with the girls .
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