Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun pl] would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As good Marxists the Bolshevik leaders tended to believe that following on the eventual restoration and ‘ correct ’ development of favourable economic conditions , ‘ correct ’ social and political attitudes would also come about at all levels .
2 Military and political commanders would normally decide to use them only when a war in Europe was in full swing .
3 Overlaps between Nato and European institutions would inevitably grow , Mr Baker said .
4 A second system based on 700,000 miles of urban and rural roads would also be created .
5 Workers in nuclear and radiographic installations would then not need radiation badges , or monitoring instruments to warn them of the unseen danger all around .
6 ‘ Housing , education and social services would obviously take a back seat . ’
7 Do n't people realise that without the Manchester scene Leeds and similar places would still be nothing ?
8 There are certainly indications of confiscation of property in Gaul and Spain and similar measures would undoubtedly have been enacted in Britain .
9 Although this would hardly seem fast enough to catch prey , the smaller reptilian and amphibious animals would also have run at similarly slower speeds .
10 If he were a picture his handsome , regular cheek-bones and serious eyes would probably be titled ‘ A Doctor Decides ’ .
11 She said that putting him on bute straight away would reduce the inflammation and alternate hot and cold compresses would also help .
12 The Czech and Slovak parliaments would then approve republican constitutions in accordance with the agreement .
13 Local people and regular travellers would also retain their concessionary fares on the crossing .
14 A little high-spirited , perhaps , but hard work and long hours would soon cool her down .
15 In an ideal integrated scheme , cultural controls ( changes in farming habits ) and biological controls would largely supplant pesticides ; in practice , chemical control continues to be an essential component of IPM when a pest population has to be reduced rapidly to minimise financial loss .
16 To add an American dimension to the British and Irish elements would only compound the difficulty .
17 Police , emergency services and military users would almost certainly be exempted from any auction .
18 There were fears that the army and military police would now move quickly to impose control on the Miguel Castro Castro prison in Lima , where an estimated 900 Sendero inmates had created no-go areas to emphasize their political status .
19 The type of new installations that will be allowed if the paper becomes law are farm shops , sport and recreation facilities for activities such as clay pigeon shooting , BMX bikes and wargames , car parks , refreshment areas and educational centres would also burgeon .
20 Juliana had mistakenly believed that large earrings and wide belts would just draw attention to her size ( being tall makes her feel big ) but , in fact , anything too small looks insipid and unnoticeable .
21 Sarah 's dream sitter would be Benazhir Bhutto , whose beauty and wide eyes would well suit her style .
22 And western politicians would probably find themselves faced with a request for enormous help — including consumer goods to fill shops and soak up roubles — to contain the shock of a Soviet Big Bang .
23 Existing gainers of the subsidy would presumably be given a further five years ' grace , and new recruits would similarly benefit .
24 Marx believed that these and other contradictions would eventually lead to the downfall of the capitalist system .
25 Furthermore , any bias in regard to fossil collectors going for the more interesting and rare predators would actually slant the bias in favour of ectothermy , rather than endothermy .
26 Such a dedicated channel would also be my preference , though no doubt selection would have to continue for committee coverage , and selected extracts would still be used on news and review programmes .
27 Of course the converse can be said , as several knobbly and bow-legged clerics would humbly be the first to acknowledge .
28 Access to national and local databases would greatly enhance the potential and validity of these projects by giving a greater selection of resources , variety of materials and methods of organization .
29 The expectation that the Afro-Caribbean and Asian minorities would simply blend into a homogeneous British or even English stew , perhaps adding some harmless spice , was revealed as not only hopelessly unrealistic but symptomatic of a form of racism which regarded ‘ Britishness ’ and ‘ Westernness ’ as the only touchstones of cultural value .
30 But 12-year-old girls would certainly not have possessed the physical strength for such a form of attack , and although the rubric of ‘ garotting ’ was used universally to encompass these crimes , most of the cases reported in the newspapers seemed to describe fairly straightforward street robberies — sometimes using a variety of coshes , knuckle-dusters , ‘ Indian claw ’ devices and other forms of life-preserver — or what we would now call ‘ muggings ’ .
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