Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [prep] those [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , some jurisdictions , for example , Germany , impose no formal legal sanctions either criminal or civil on those who indulge in insider dealing .
2 A shadowy and seductive fairy , the Leanan-Sidhe may be ruthless and dangerous to those who fall under her spell .
3 The area is now faced with a regional conflict — deep and dangerous for those who live there and tragic for those who lose their lives .
4 Secondly , we must recall that the mental conflicts which I am identifying as the origins of human society and civilized behaviour — essentially those portrayed in the story of Oedipus — were as intensely painful and unpleasurable to those who experienced them then as they are to those who experience them in our own times .
5 It 's part of the lovely Atlantis complex and ideal for those who like a relaxed holiday in a well equipped hotel .
6 People , believe it or not , and that means Tories , socialists , Liberals and greens , vote by and large for those who they think can run things better .
7 The overall aim of these draft regulations is therefore very simple but the regulations themselves are somewhat long and complex as those who 've tried to read them will have noticed .
8 Because they are only accountable to themselves and to their shareholders , they would leave themselves exposed and vulnerable to those who do not take kindly to being dictated to by ‘ outsiders ’ .
9 Shifts of labour were therefore organised , and these tall fortress-like structures were lit from top to bottom at night , and presented something new and dramatic to those who had the leisure to stay outside and contemplate it with detachment .
10 Despite their many differences , deep ecology , animal welfare , and anti-cruelty have some fundamental similarities , the most important of which is that individuals are morally expendable — expendable for the deep ecologist as long as the good of the biotic community is sustained or promoted , expendable for the animal welfarist as long as the welfare of others is protected or advanced , and expendable for those who accept the anti-cruelty position , as long as worthy ends are not obtained by means that cause excessive suffering .
11 From these it is clear that there is a wide variety of emotional reactions to the news , ranging from those of you who are depressed and worried to those who are enthusiastic and supportive .
12 The area is now faced with a regional conflict — deep and dangerous for those who live there and tragic for those who lose their lives .
13 Although the last allegation is regarded with some scepticism by royal watchers , their speculation is heightened because the royal couple have barely been seen to exchange words or glances so far in the tour , even though they have been smiling and cheerful to those they have met .
14 Charismatics can be very dismissive and intolerant of those who do not share their religious perspective and Rolle frequently reminds us of such an attitude .
15 Boo lives in a town where the people are very religious , but narrow minded and intolerant of those who do not conform to their very rigid code of social behaviour , and where everybody knows everyone else because the same families have lived there for generations .
16 All of which is good news for those who travel back here year after year , but disappointing for those who find out about Bellagio too late and ca n't book it for love nor money …
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