Example sentences of "[coord] [art] [noun] says [conj] " in BNC.

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1 That means we are looking at having to dispose of around two and a half million tons of wet sewage every year by the end of the century , and the law says that we will not be able to dispose of it at sea . ’
2 Compaq Computer Corp took the lead in the European portable personal computer market in the first quarter of 1993 according to Dataquest figures which give Compaq 22% by value and 17.5% by volume , and the manufacturer says that shipments in the period were up 89% on the first quarter of 1992 , growing four times the rate of the market , which expanded 21% — and those figures reveal the reason that Dell Computer Corp has stumbled badly in laptops and notebooks : buyers are going for the higher cost 80486-based machines that abound in Compaq 's line , while Dell 's product emphasises low-price 80386SX-based machines .
3 At around the same time , the first 66MHz versions should begin to trickle out and the company says that we should also expect a Pentium-based desktop machine in the ErgoPro range .
4 West Byfleet-based Halcyon Direct Ltd is shipping Remotely Possible/Dial from Avalan Technology Inc the product is designed to enable users control remote Windows machines over a modem link and the company says that it overcomes speed restrictions that some similar products run up against when communicating in a graphic intensive environment ; it costs £145 .
5 Intel credited lower computer prices — which triggered a consumer buying spree — for the rise , and the company says that as well as storming sales of 80486 microprocessors , there was also good demand for standard semiconductors , and networking and system level products .
6 Media Computer reckons that combining audio , video and graphics onto a single board will avoid incompatibilities common in personal computers stuffed full of multimedia boards , but in addition one of its customers is building the chip-set into a personal computer motherboard and the company says that it expects to see more this as multimedia standards firm up .
7 At around the same time , the first 66MHz versions should begin to trickle out and the company says that we should also expect a Pentium-based desktop machine in the ErgoPro range .
8 The machines will cost $5m to $30m and the company says that it has already opened talks with some makers of massively parallel computers — observers suggest that Intel Corp and Thinking Machines Corp may be high on the list — according to the New York Times , several major US laboratories have experimented with Cray machines ( Cray-2s presumably ) linked to Thinking Machines kit .
9 If the building society or bank has agreed to lend you 90 per cent of the purchase price and the surveyor says that the property is worth every bit of the asking price , then you just might go back to the society and ask for 100 per cent , based on the glowing survey report in your hand .
10 when Angela 's form , I mentioned that and the woman says if you 're in any kind of forces , you are exempt .
11 So the ideal as far as federal government is concerned is they , they devise policy guidelines and they provide financial inducements to states to implement various programmes but when it comes down to it they run up against the rock of the constitution and the constitution says that the states derive their authority from this sacred document and they are not to be tampered with and the consequence is that America has , not only a federal government , but fifty state governments er and those state governments are large enterprises which enjoy wide initiative and they contributors , contribute to the divi diversity of the United States as a political system .
12 They will make up Newbridge 's Vivid line of Asynchronous Transfer Mode products , and the report says that the range is to include a 10Base-T Ethernet hub with an Asynchronous Transfer Mode interface , another 10Base-T hub with local Asynchronous Transfer Mode switching capabilities , and a high-end Asynchronous Transfer Mode local network hub which incorporates integral routing .
13 And the group says if toddlers are to be protected in future , mothers everywhere must start working together .
14 But the headmaster says that since the ban , playground behaviour has improved .
15 But the company says that , as early as October 1981 , it suggested to the CSM that the recommended doses for the drug should be reduced for old people .
16 Prices have yet to be set , but the company says that it is looking at $3,000 to $5,000 for a development kit and around $100 per user for run-time use .
17 Of the 1,000 subscribers , around 60% were customers of the original Cognito service , but the company says that the 40% of new business it has attracted puts it ahead of its business plan schedule .
18 Prices have yet to be set , but the company says that it is looking at $3,000 to $5,000 for a development kit and around $100 per user for run-time use .
19 But the court says that deals are only allowed to protect rate payer 's money from fluctuations in interest rates , and ca n't be carried out for trading purposes .
20 I 'm sure that — your name — everything about you — but the will says and quite emphatically and Colonel Moore — ’ an element of anger there ‘ — is a man who will see it through to the letter . ’
21 VXL is aware that breaking into the UK market will not be easy , but the firm says that its products are priced below that of the competition , since all its products are made very cheaply at VXL facilities in India .
22 Solicitors may be present during the suspect 's interview but the Code says that they may be asked to leave if their conduct prevents the investigating officer properly questioning the suspect .
23 But the corporation says that 5000 jobs could be created by the scheme , although few of them would be at the airport itself .
24 He rose , began to pace the room , stared at the butler who entered , and said to Orrin , ‘ Beg pardon , sir , for interrupting , but the housekeeper says that a young woman , claiming to be Miss Sally-Anne Tunstall , has arrived at the servants ’ entrance , and what is she to do ? ’
25 Adam of Bremen reports that Cnut had intended Swegen to rule Norway , Harthacnut Denmark , and Harold England , and the Historia Regum attributed to Symeon of Durham that he made Harold the English king , but the Encomium says that he not only promised Emma that any son of hers should be heir , but later on oath pledged the whole kingdom subject to him to Harthacnut , who received oaths of loyalty from English nobles .
26 But the doctor says that it should be just a normal period after you 've had it , but it 'll be faster flow .
27 But the RSPCA says that there 's no evidence that foxes need culling , and if they do , there are more humane ways than hunting .
28 But the Coroner says that for the time being , Marc 's death will remain a mystery .
29 The Railway , Energy , and Machine Building and Electronics Ministries are quoted as the driving force behind it , but the paper says that the Ministry of Aerospace , the People 's Liberation Army , and the China International Trust & Investment Corp ( which owns 25% of an AsiaSat satellite transponder ) are also involved .
30 Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc have been discussing the possibility of a merger between the two companies according to the San Jose Mercury News Apple declined to comment on the report , and Novell denied it , saying that ‘ We 're always in industry discussions with them , but we 're not having discussions with them about merging , ’ but the paper says that the talks between Apple chairman John Sculley and Novell chairman Ray Noorda were a closely-guarded secret and known only by an elite group of senior executives at the two firms .
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