Example sentences of "[coord] [art] [noun] [coord] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Débourbage , or cleansing , of the must can take place at either the presshouse or the winery and is , in its simplest form , merely a resting of the must to enable the particles of skin and other impurities to settle on the bottom of the vat .
2 Intelligent music lovers require more than a pout from Simon Le Bon or a wiggle or is it a riddle from Nik Kershaw .
3 The report is provided for the sole use of the named applicant and the society and is confidential to the applicant and his professional advisers .
4 The report is provided for the sole use of the named client and the society and is confidential to the client and his professional advisers .
5 Again , the conflict is within the individual rather than between the organization and the individual and is a common excuse for procrastination and avoiding risks .
6 The line comprises the NF200C/S , NF250C/S , NF400C/S and the NF450C/S and is based on NetFrame 's Multiprocessor Parallel Server Architecture , using 50MHz 80486s or Pentiums with up to 128Mb memory as the application processor engines — customers can add both engines and input-output processors to enhance their systems .
7 The firm , which will do boards for a whole range of products including computers , telecommunications and satellite receiver and industrial control system products is looking for further partnerships in Taiwan , Japan and the US and is three months away from announcing its next deal .
8 It has found particular favour in public libraries in the UK and the US and is also used extensively in school and college libraries .
9 Friuli is tucked between the Alpine mountains of North-east Italy and the Adriatic and is a model of how high technology and human flair can achieve exceptionally graceful and vital white wines .
10 The effectiveness of this method depends on the rate of reaction between the odorant and the ozone and is not suitable therefore for odour abatement where the rate of reaction is too slow .
11 Living in Bray , but originally from Kells , Glenna , who is single , is interested in drama , opera and the arts and is treasurer of the United Arts club .
12 The race will be over 5 miles instead of eight and a quarter and is being arranged with the help of Loftus AC road race organiser Peter Clifford .
13 Most Conservatives admit that Government housing policy is a nightmare and a nonsense and is failing to meet the needs of people for decent affordable housing .
14 In the wake of your SHOCK HEADED PETERS piece , I think you should know that Karl Blake has n't worked for British Rail for the past year and a half and is currently an art student in Sheffield .
15 The garden there , where we used to sit , has a swing and a slide and is framed by a huge chestnut-tree .
16 Julie has four children , three daughters and a son and is married to John , a Reader in Science Education at the University of Surrey .
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