Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] one [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Here we shall restrict the term to those aspects of language structure that encode the social identities of participants ( properly , incumbents of participant-roles ) , or the social relationship between them , or between one of them and persons and entities referred to .
2 At night , the action really begins to heat up , as guests from the nearby Irene and Sunshine Studios meet up for BBQ 's or for one of our many Club party nights .
3 I believe she was studying modern dance and had been a pupil of Mary Wigman , or of one of her disciples .
4 He died suddenly in France on 23 June 1324 , at or near one of his wife 's lordships ( Tours-en-Vimeu ) , while on his way to Paris to negotiate Anglo-French differences over Aquitaine .
5 Sybil , up in Hampstead or with one of her many friends , kept the home fire burning and joined the gang when they had a special bash .
6 When anyone 's like that with me or with one of my friends she just sits there looking at you because , cos she 's big , she 's kind of threatening sometimes , you know what I mean ?
7 And every residential social worker knows that I am not exaggerating when I say that after a death has occurred — often alone or with one of us holding the dying resident 's hand — the family will descend like vultures , demanding a complete inventory of all their belongings , ransacking their personal clothes for valuables , and insisting on receiving all that is left of the petty cash .
8 And have your tape wound to the place that you 've transcribed , so that , if necessary you will be ready to replay the bit that you ca n't transcribe it , to the others , or to one of us , erm , to explain why you ca n't do it .
9 These eerie coincidences are very impressive when they happen to us or to one of our friends , but their improbability is measured in only picodealions .
10 After being taken round by a six or seven year old , parents visiting the school for the first time were given the opportunity to talk to me or to one of my colleagues .
11 Tuition can take place on your premises , or at one of our three fully-equipped training centres ; each has restaurant facilities , plus free parking .
12 By contrast , the future of the matrimonial home is often a keenly fought issue for it is usually the major capital asset possessed either jointly by the parties to the marriage or by one of them .
13 Now and then he was addressed in Anglic , either by the Khan or by one of his neighbours at the table , and in such cases he did his best to answer politely .
14 Also present were legal representatives of the RRA and for one of its individual members , Edward O'Callaghan , who lived nearest to the proposed dump .
15 It is a major setting for three of his novels ( PP , GE , MED ) being called ‘ Cloisterham ’ in the last of these , and for one of his shorter fictions , ‘ The Seven Poor Travellers ’ ( CS 7 ) .
16 Lady Grange 's husband had been a Jacobite and during one of their marital battles she hinted that she would expose his seditious leanings — for which he could be hanged .
17 So , one night , it was decided to ask the audience if they wanted an Arts Lab , and during one of his talks to the audience , as David also acted as compère , he asked whether they would like an Arts Lab in Beckenham , with the folk club being the start of it .
18 To compete , I suppose , Malc had his ego ( and other parts ) massaged between the sheets and in my heart of hearts I knew his affairs were superficial — of the genitals rather than the heart — and during one of our deep analytical discussions on the subject , he admitted that he could n't wait to leave his lover 's bed and get home once the act was over .
19 Trockel has created a video projection recording the unravelling of a garment on a female model , and of one of her own flat knitted paintings .
20 That next we see Alison going to church : yet prepared for adultery , and , who knows , anticipating it in her mind , and with one of her attractions , her shining complexion , emphasized with her newly-washed forehead , might well be taken as creating an adverse moral perspective on Alison .
21 ‘ In fact I was surprised to see you dancing to pop music , and with one of them . ’
22 She read her books with an intense concentration — and she learned what Johnny had to do , and of the terrible odds that were stacked against him ; for as she , in her time , moved towards the middle of July , she knew that , for Johnny , it was August ; and in one of her books she learned that it was in August , between the 8th and the 15th , that the most heavily concentrated forces of enemy bombers had been sent against the military installations , and the ports and airfields of Britain .
23 These are obvious cases because the forms are linguistically or stylistically related , and in one of them it will be shown later that the name became hereditary — as Forsey — down to the twentieth century .
24 There were bags inside , and in one of them he caught the gleam of gold .
25 A row of cottages backed on the water and in one of them Francis 's illegitimate daughter , Anna , lived with her mother and boyfriend .
26 In four additional patients bleeding recurred after heater probe treatment and in one of them , with high surgical risk , successful control of haemorrhage was obtained in a second thermocoagulation session .
27 Moreover , it was understood to be a crime which was entirely foreign to the national character , and in one of its earliest references to the affair The Times ( 7 November 1862 ) registered the compulsive feeling that the new crime was ‘ un-British ’ : ‘ When the outrages first commenced , it was doubted whether the crime was not of foreign importation … but the ruffians who have been arrested arc of pure English breed . ’
28 The gentle mercies of the lash were used even more extravagantly for civilising the ‘ primitive ’ peoples of the Empire in the nineteenth century , and in one of its anti-garotting tirades Punch ( 6 December 1862 ) had good cause to remember the lesson of the Indian Mutiny of 1857 which had been put down in a sea of blood .
29 so that they are fully trained and ready to handle the problems that might arise erm there is , however , cause for some er optimism and I refer specifically to the recreational page from the Estuaries Consultation Document from English Nature and in one of their er proposals and objectives they say encouraging self regulation and observance of Code of Practice by local clubs and groups to avoid clon conflict with and or disturbance to other users including nature conservation interests .
30 Emphasizing the intellectual approach , Hourcade was the first of the many writers to relate Cubist painting to Kantian aesthetics , and in one of his articles includes a quotation from Schopenhauer : ‘ Kant 's greatest service was to distinguish between the appearance of a thing and the thing in itself , and he showed that our intelligence stands between the thing and us . ’
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