Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [adj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Thomas Malory 's Noble Histories of King Arthur and of Certain of his Knights — ‘ open manslaughter and bold bawdry ’ — was printed by Caxton in 1485 .
2 InterCity has its own clear identity , though the greatest achievements have perhaps been with Network SouthEast , where the tide has really turned , and in Provincial with its own increasing network of imaginative expresses often resulting from stringing several services together .
3 Subsequently the purchaser had complained about its performance and in particular about its steering .
4 For the rest of the book I turn to the second and in particular to what lies behind the mounting opposition to the Treaty , away from the fug and the isolation of Cabinet rooms , palaces and Chancelleries .
5 I would also like to pay tribute to the Chairmen of the Council 's other Committees and in particular to who took over the chair of the Policy Review Committee in May 1990 .
6 As a historian , Lessing was sharply aware of the difficulty of uncovering the past and interpreting the evidence with accuracy ; he was also conscious of the great differences between one period and culture and another , and in particular of what more modern writers have sometimes called the ‘ cultural gap ’ between the New Testament and the modern world .
7 Furthermore , one aspect of that strike — and in particular of its geography — provides clear evidence of the importance of the three elements of a place identified in chapter 3 .
8 The C.P.V.E. must be seen in conjunction with the whole thrust of Government initiatives in the area of vocational training and in particular of its T.V.E.I. schemes .
9 The central section , ‘ New States of Consciousness and Social Change ’ then deals with a range of beliefs and attitudes which are said to have followed in the wake of these developments , and in particular with what Le Roy Ladurie calls ‘ a deep and sometimes lasting permutation in peasant mentality ’ .
10 The idea of a systematic and serious , observationally and experientially based study of nature , called ‘ natural philosophy ’ , was one which Locke shared with others of course , and in particular with his colleagues in the Royal Society .
11 During the next few days , until the patient can take over some aspects of care himself , nurses are responsible for his care and in particular for his safety .
12 ‘ I believe to have such a major international festival of song on our doorsteps would do wonders for our city and in particular for our tourist industry . ’
13 Based mainly on a very close examination of all surviving copies of the print , and in particular on what can be deduced from the erasure of page numbers , Butler has reconstructed two distinct layers of composition .
14 Now we are going to take a look at what it takes to keep a body healthy , and in particular at your nutritional requirements .
15 However , we will still need to build up our level of knowledge and understanding of expert systems within the RAF and in particular amongst our computing specialists so that we can make best use of the facilities available when providing support to the user .
16 In both cases we were very impressed by the quality of the members of the management committee whom we met , and in particular by their obvious commitment to the community development aspects of the venture .
17 The principles which are used to explain the legislation are political and economic , derived from a reading of the nineteenth century land reform movement , and in particular from its hostility to the strict settlement .
18 Great Universal Stores , the Burberry 's clothes group and mail order specialist , was a star performer , shooting ahead 28p to £21.30 following impressive results from Coats Viyella and in particular from its Jaegar and Viyella shops .
19 If in doubt on any matter please refer to the Police Officers in attendance and by guided by them OR contact Lothian & Borders Police , ‘ B ’ Division Headquarters , 14 St. Leonard 's
20 You , you find a house to rent that seems right for your about the price , perhaps a bit high but about right for your level of income .
21 I 'm not yet sorting out exactly why but within half-a-minute of my arriving here he 'd been extremely rude to me as well … ’
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