Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [noun pl] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 An understanding of environmental problems is needed as a basis for policy making by national and local government , for the work of national and international agencies concerned both with use and conservation of natural resources , and for industries which inevitably have an environmental affect and education .
2 And for runners-up we also have 50 copies of Eric 's Unplugged album .
3 She was a fairy who married a mortal to gain a soul , and made a pact that he would never spy on her on Saturdays , and for years he never did , and they had six sons , all with strange defects — odd ears , giant tusks , a catshead growing out of one cheek , three eyes , that sort of thing .
4 However , the lack of any popular interest in the subject , and the opposition of the local authority associations and of councillors who often hold posts in the constituency organizations of their parties , prevented any action .
5 Cabinet minutes do not reveal the numerical division of opinion for and against decisions which then become Government policy by which , in theory at least , all Ministers are bound .
6 He pushed his bicycle up the hill from Wheatley station in the company of another new student who had a strangely similar background : of nonconformist origins , with his father an official of a nonconformist Church ; a young man who postponed his own confirmation into the Church of England because his parents might be hurt ; and who swung at the university from his very Protestant background into a sense of the devotional stature in Anglo-Catholicism , and into convictions which never left him for the rest of his life ; a graduate of Balliol College , by name Austin Farrer .
7 This is hardly surprising when it is remembered how far the world has changed in living memory , and in ways which inevitably made their mark on theology itself .
8 Sometimes they went to the cinema , sometimes they sat in coffee bars holding hands across the table , sometimes they walked in the park , and on Saturdays they almost always went to the dance .
9 And to women it rarely gave any opportunity at all .
10 In the first place the experience knitted these men together , both to one another and to others who subsequently made up ‘ the Establishment ’ .
11 The trouble was that ( where it was not already part of tradition ) the introduction of piece-work was often resisted , especially by the skilled men , and that it was complex and obscure not only for the workers , but for employers who often had only the haziest idea of what production-norms to set .
12 In this context we may distinguish ( i ) the impartiality which is part and parcel of making moral or legal-judgments on the basis of formulating universal rules permitting or prohibiting certain types of conduct as distinct from making decisions only about particular persons and particular occasions : the impartiality not just of universalisability but of rules which actually are to be universalised ; ( ii ) the impartiality of being a non-involved person which is particularly relevant to the position of the person who is applying legal or moral rules to particular circumstances and which is directly to do with the characteristics of the judge who according to this standard must have no personal interest in the outcome of the case , but which may also be relevant in the process of legislation since legislators may have particular and personal interests in the outcome of the legislation in question ; ( iii ) there is the idea of impartiality as a norm of moral and judicial reasoning which has to do with giving due consideration to all relevant factors , a practice which may further but is not guaranteed by impartiality of the first two types .
13 Restaurants she did n't mind , but in pubs she always felt too much at the mercy of predatory men .
14 In dogs and cats , they burrow into the gut and swell into horrible big worms and lodge in the small intestine ; but in humans they just go on spreading these spiral patterns for about 18 months and then die . ’
15 Justice is not always swift , but in ways we often can not see in advance it is generally sure .
16 For the longer term , it is worth noting that a number of the member states have a more independent system of audit , under which a company 's accounts are audited , not by its own accountants , but by auditors who primarily owe a public interest duty .
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