Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [pron] [verb] an " in BNC.

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1 If your elderly parent is faced with this problem , the most sensible first step towards a solution will be for her to spend a longish ‘ holiday ’ in your home before making a final decision , or for you to make an extended ‘ visit ’ to her if you are thinking of going to live in her home .
2 The purpose of this meeting would be for you to gain an insight into the qualities of the [ Name ] management and for them to gain an understanding of how you would propose to manage the group .
3 Whilst you might use these behaviours and through them create an impression of being genuine , it will , of course , quickly be destroyed unless you do what you say you will do .
4 Around and beneath us coiled an oily , uneasy water , flecked with floating stones .
5 And with it came an equally fierce pride in her .
6 No one is disputing that the number of tournaments has increased and with it comes an overall increase in the numbers of people playing in them .
7 In AD 208 the Emperor Severus took personal charge of a fleet into the Firth of Forth and from it led an expedition across Fife , over the Tay valley , and on into the ever inhospitable north to put an end to these depredations .
8 The Keeper was carrying a portable cage and from it peered an eagle .
9 The testing also serves to select patients suitable for rehabilitation ( excluding those at extreme ends of the fitness spectrum ) and in itself forms an important aspect of rehabilitation .
10 That Bukharin argued for balanced and proportional growth can be seen to arise from his earlier work on equilibrium theory and in his formulating an algebraic approach to the problems of analysis posed by Marx 's reproduction schemas .
11 At the controls sat a youngish man in no sort of uniform , and beside him sat an older man in cleanish overalls with grease on his fingers .
12 Instead of seeking opportunities to come clean , being realistic and perceptive about when and to whom to make an ‘ advance ’ , and taking risks that can be recouped , self-doubt floods the whole question with anxiety , and replaces a balanced point of view with crude prejudices and images of disaster .
13 Schools will have to learn to look across the whole curriculum , to identify where and by what means an individual attainment target can best be taught and assessed .
14 Temperament and conviction combined to make him see this moment , not as one of intriguing human possibilities , but as one offering an unofficial means to an official end .
15 ‘ They are all attempting to affect one tiny aspect of the criminal justice system , but without anybody having an overview of the whole system , ’ he said .
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