Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 At least where a right to trial by jury exists , the courts are reluctant ( in cases where national security is not involved ) to allow the Attorney-General to side-step it by approaching the High Court for an injunction to stop the publication or for a declaration that the publication is unlawful : The Voluntary Euthanasia Society published a booklet entitled " A Guide to Self-Deliverance " which discussed the pros and cons of committing suicide and described in detail a number of efficacious methods for so doing .
2 Designed long ago , the defences of Famagusta consisted of towers and wallwalks , battlements and arrow slits , without proper seating for cannon , or for the ventilation that cannon demanded .
3 What evidence can be gleaned for the ‘ Queen Margaret ’ school , or for the counter-argument that such changes are largely a matter of style rather than substance , by examining the procedure and mechanics of government since 1979 ?
4 Nobody in the SDLP criticised Currie for his espousal of Thatcherism or for the fact that he stood against and defeated a Labour candidate to get into the Dail .
5 This is where the sculptor might be expected to remain close to the original , though even here a Roman preference can be detected for a certain shape , or for an angle that increases the sentimental value of the copy .
6 When faced with that choice this summer , I chose to encourage people to continue to develop computerisation in primary health care rather than simply to reward directly those who did something very valuable — there is no doubt about that , or about the fact that they did it at their own risk — some years ago .
7 It would be foolish to see the outcome as additional pressure , or as a thesis that only a single method should be available .
8 In context , it will function in a certain kind of perspective , depending on the purpose of communication ; for instance , it may function as a statement of a person 's state of health ( John has been taken ill ) , as an identification of the person affected ( John has been taken ill ) , or as an affirmation that the information conveyed is really valid ( John has been taken ill ) .
9 the searcher may be the end user , possibly approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements .
10 For example , one can say of a brain process that it occupies a particular point in space or that it can be displayed on an oscilloscope screen ; whereas neither of these things could be said of , for example , the subjective sensation of the colour blue or of the thought that I hate Monday mornings .
11 Very little is known about the layout of fields or of the ploughs that may have been employed on them .
12 There were no signs anywhere of Wolski 's background , of the fact that he spoke Polish or had once been Jewish , or of the God that had been present at his birth but on whom he had turned his back before the godlessness in a death camp called Sobibor .
13 The ‘ pro-Zionism ’ of Vanguard is not pan of an ideological renunciation of either the notion of a financial conspiracy or of the notion that Jews play leading roses in the financial world .
14 There is little doubt either of the " extraordinary correspondence between the virtues which Methodism inculcated in the working class and the desiderata of middle-class Utilitarianism " , or of the fact that through the process of religious conversion and its reinforcement through the spiritual discipline of the Methodist system of regular " class " meetings , these attitudes were deeply instilled .
15 Justifying the railway deficit in 1980 , for example , the chairman maintained that ‘ no one would think of talking of the deficit of the armed forces or of the fact that our state educational establishments show a deficit … ’
16 They protest when the food is not up to standard or of the quality that they have come to expect .
17 Often these are constructed in the open air , on or near the site that produced the archaeological evidence on which they were based .
18 And I had read enough and seen enough from other bits of our work , to feel that a lot of that was to do with coordination of services , or with the fact that services were not packaged to meet individuals ' needs .
19 It does not deal fully with the counter-examples which male parenting presents to its theory ; or with the fact that women , like men , have a large excess of genetic materials , and might do best by searching out new partners for each child .
20 Much of the resistance to the dependence thesis comes from confusing it with a claim about what authorities do in fact , or with the view that requires authorities to act only in the interests of their subjects .
21 So we get involved quite a lot in looking at teaching in various parts of the university where people want us to , very often involving the students as well as the other teachers in looking at a particular course and seeing if there are ways in which perhaps it might be taught differently or in a way that worked better .
22 Writing poetry is presented in the wholly artificial diction of tending the shepherd 's trade , or in a Latinism that is not even correct , colloquial , normal English in meditating the thankless muse .
23 Here again the link between birth and death is clear , as there is often no firm distinction between ‘ womb ’ and ‘ tomb ’ in the physical construction of the chambers , or in the states that the participant is expected to experience .
24 In general , this type of problem indicates that some modification either to the program itself , or in the notes that communicate how to control it , will be needed .
25 Whatever is supposed to happen in the meantime , or in the event that alternatives never become available , cowers the imagination .
26 ( 7 ) In the event that a Member dies or in the event that the name of a Member is struck off or removed from the roll or his practising certificate is suspended or expires without being renewed or where a Member is a registered foreign lawyer his name is struck off the register of foreign lawyers or his registration is suspended or cancelled or ( where a Member is a Recognised Body ) its recognition is revoked or expires , the Directors may require the Member or , as the case may be , his legal personal representatives , trustee in bankruptcy , liquidator , administrator or administrative receiver to give a Transfer Notice in respect of all the Shares then registered in the name of the Member or deceased member .
27 ( 7 ) In the event that a Member dies or in the event that the name of a Member is struck off or removed from the roll or his practising certificate is suspended or expires without being renewed or where a Member is a registered foreign lawyer his name is struck off the register of foreign lawyers or his registration is suspended or cancelled or ( where a Member is a Recognised Body ) its recognition is revoked or expires , the Directors may require the Member or , as the case may be , his legal personal representatives , trustee in bankruptcy , liquidator , administrator or administrative receiver to give a Transfer Notice in respect of all the Shares then registered in the name of the Member or deceased member .
28 Why is n't these doctors that are condemning it and the pharmacists and so forth , together on a panel of something and expose it on T V or in the press that they condemn it .
29 Cases on which you are relying should be checked in the list of cases judicially considered in the Law Reports Indexes ( red and pink ) or in The Digest , lest they have been overruled , not followed or doubted , or in the hope that they have been followed or approved .
30 Parents or relatives often make donations to their old public school or college as some repayment for what it has done for them , or in the hope that it may give their child a better chance of entry !
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