Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] which [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 For then , as Professor Jack Lively has pointed out , it is open to any minority , or even a single individual , to block a decision or policy which otherwise commands overwhelming support .
2 Often you will find a horse or pony which never gets over this fear .
3 During the 1970s several teams attempted to refute this claim , arguing that the connection is a figment of Arp 's imagination , that it is an optical illusion caused by the overlap of isophotes ( light contours ) from the two objects , or that it is an illusion caused by a star or galaxy which just happens to be located between the two objects .
4 So he goes out there and they all turn round and say , stuff you , I 'm not coming in to clean up for four pound and hour which again equates to six pound an hour .
5 This sets a context for research , study and teaching which unquestionably enriches the work we are able to do here .
6 Indeed , it may not always be easy for workers in the formal sector to tolerate the muddle and uncertainty which sometimes surrounds informal care activity .
7 This species , the most important lungworm of sheep and goats , is commonly associated with a chronic syndrome of coughing and unthriftiness which usually affects lambs and kids .
8 In some families with aggressive children the boundaries and limits on the child 's behaviour may not be clear and a struggle for power can take place between the parents and child which rapidly escalates into violence .
9 When Jesus says to his disciples , ‘ You are not to set your mind on food or drink ; you are not to worry ’ ( Luke 12:29 — the only New Testament use of the word ) , he is saying that God 's care for us as Father means that food and drink are not to be a hang-up , an occasion for doubt and anxiety which constantly keeps us up in the air .
10 The media needs to be constantly on guard against secrecy applications made by lawyers who strive to protect clients and witnesses from the humiliation and embarrassment which frequently follows from reports of their appearances in court .
11 Their playing in the finale ( fig. 5 , track 3 , 42'00 ’ ) has real delicacy and clarity of articulation and in the slow movement for once really sounds as it is marked , Misterioso et elegante , and the muted strings , dolcissimo , have a lightness of sonority and colour which greatly enhances the atmosphere .
12 These whirlwind developments were a long time in the planning but the results came with staggering speed and remarkable good nature and co-operation which finally sees the rugby world totally united once again but with a new combined force lurking below the equator .
13 The whole reason for the existence of finite time appears to have been to bring about that conflict of good and evil which eventually leads to the triumph of the former .
14 This forces upon us a breadth of interest and concern which readily prevents us from becoming too absorbed in the affairs of our own small island .
15 Instead he had referred to the " widespread disappointment and apprehension which now exists among the British with respect to the policies of the new United States administration " .
16 The most vital rule , the rule never to be broken , the rule which marks the true Arab and lifts him above the morass of intrigue and materiality which now dominates his world and indeed ours , is the rule of hospitality .
17 It is always good practice to synchronise times with suppliers ' delivery schedules thus minimising time between order and delivery which also minimises stock holding requirement .
18 We get a new body , mind structure and destiny which exactly matches our mental impressions , desires and tendencies .
19 What I feel is being expressed in Harris ' and Timms ' paraphrase is frustration at the awesome time-wasting and prevarication which presently occurs in cases where secure accommodation is at issue .
20 The division of labour , Marx and Engels argue in The German Ideology , is the basis of this transformation in the nature of labour and property which ultimately lays the foundations of capitalism .
21 However , communication links between the trainee and the trainer via a computer are not a substitute for the two-way conversation and observation which normally takes place in a class-room .
22 Today 's reading compares God with a great sun — a source of tremendous strength and energy which never goes away .
23 Because the choice of opting out is largely represented to parents , former pupils and the local community as a means of securing a better financial arrangement from the DES than has been possible with the local authority , it is sometimes argued that it is not ethos or education but funding which alone lies at the heart of the decision .
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