Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] be [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As an example , property insurance is cheaper than liability insurance , so that it makes more sense , for instance , for a site-owner to insure against the fire risk of a fire caused by an installer , under fire insurance , than it does for the installer to insure against liability for causing the same risk , under a public liability or contractor 's all risks policy .
2 The real bone or contention is that truth is unnecessary and unwelcome rather than untrustworthy .
3 Stomach troubles from sour food or drink is another situation which may call for this remedy .
4 Does the text contain idiomatic phrases and if so , with what kind of dialect or register are these idioms associated ?
5 If the Government of the day decide that a motorway is to be built and a footpath is to be built over the road , the cost of building a bridge or underpass is all part of the cost of building the motorway , and it is borne by the taxpayers .
6 Some assessment questions are obvious : mention of success , failure , achievement or significance are all clues that some sort of weighing up is needed .
7 Trollope does not suffer much himself from prickings of conscience ( though whether his diamonds are real or paste is another matter ) .
8 The manager and chairman are such strangers to national television that probably less than 10 per cent of football fans would be able to name them , let alone recognise them .
9 Nylon , polythene , alkathene and acrilan are all polymers formed from organic molecules .
10 Yeah mhm yeah I mean you may want to select some stuff that 's y'know that represents different kinds of things because as I remember our conversations earlier , you were interested in er y'know sort of ideological soundness , political correctness and y'know were some things funny but sort of off-colour for other reasons erm er I 'm paraphrasing it badly but er y'know I think that th s so you might want to get some stuff that 's sort of ideologically sound and humorous and er some stuff that 's a bit off-colour and humorous and some stuff that 's erm sort of I do n't know some stuff that 's main stream but has got a lot of y'know if you look at something like say The Two Ronnies or something , there 's a lot of there 's a lot of racism and sexism in there but it 's because it 's sort of main stream because it 's family viewing and stuff like that people tend not to think of it as problematic .
11 Deliberate ambiguity , paradox and complexity are all techniques used by artists to prevent discrimination attaining complete clarity , thereby stimulating a prolonged and engrossing period of heightened activity .
12 Afforestation and reforestation are both characteristic of modern forestry ( the former is the planting of forests on land previously unoccupied by trees while the latter involves the re-establishment of trees on formerly forested land that has been cleared ) .
13 But of course profit 's one thing , and income 's another thing , and I think the problem with most er forms of income type investment is that we spend it , it 's not a problem it 's just , it just happens .
14 And Garry is that man ? ’
15 And , under that air of sheer studied elegance , Mr Fair and Dark was all muscle .
16 Hysteroscopy and biopsy are more time consuming and expensive than the traditional dilatation and curettage .
17 Headaches , migraines and irritability are all signs of stress .
18 Goreng had been worried it might be a set-up — paranoia and distrust were that army 's staple — and he 'd assured Martinho that he 'd be the first to go if that was the case .
19 THE Mayor and mayoress were all smiles and kisses during a grand ceremony to hand them their chains of office .
20 How to reduce frustration and anxiety Is this Marley ?
21 My Lords whilst thanking the Noble Baroness the Minister for that reply , would she not agree that when they get into hospital the accident case or the emerg emergency case , they 've probably been sent there by a doctor and that there they should th therefore be handled , but what the associations are concerned about , particularly the Royal College of Nursing , the B M A and Unison is that emergency and accident cases are put in corridors on trolleys and this ought not to be th a situation which can be tolerated .
22 Bad debts , provisions against slow moving stock and depreciation are all areas that require judgment and are therefore fudgeable .
23 Stereotypes and sexism are all part of advertising , like it or not .
24 Rights and welfare work , humanitarian aid , human rights campaigns , single issue campaigns and broader campaigns that challenge the democratic form and process are all part of the work of the progressive health sector .
25 Both UK and European pig prices have been falling and recovery is some way off .
26 The hotel industry , the entertainment business , and gambling are all facets of tourist facilities which ought to be taken into consideration .
27 Information search , articulateness , listening skills , wandering about , identifying information points , tuning into the informal structure , and networking are all part of this process .
28 This is obvious from the fact that the response to beer and wine is many times higher than that to corresponding concentrations of ethanol .
29 Where the purchaser and seller are both clients of the firm , their attention should be drawn to this fact at an early stage of the preliminary discussions concerning the proposed transaction .
30 A revealing refinement in collecting membership data is to take notice of the number of full families ( where husband and wife are both Christians ) in the total as distinct from part families ( where only one partner is Christian ) ( McGavran 1970:92 ) .
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