Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] to each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first part introduces the characters and shows how they set the action going because of their relationship or attitude to each other .
2 Then , in a postscript , as if feeling that his measured words had not yet said enough , he added with a sudden note of desperation : ‘ May God preserve us & make us continue to be joy & comfort & wisdom & virtue to each other , my dear , dear , Poole ! ’
3 This generous view was endorsed by the Reverend Shaw in 1788 ; ‘ All ranks in this County are very sociable , generous and kind to each other ’ .
4 ( 183 ) But she admired even more what came later ; how after she had ceased wanting to blot him entirely from her mind , to make him not to be , they had found that they could after all talk good sense and kindness to each other .
5 These nets must also be fastened top and bottom to each stake since they will be required to catch rabbits bolting in either direction .
6 I scuttled out of the flat without looking at my friend , leaving husband and wife to each other and feeling I 'd betrayed everyone — Changez , Mum and Dad , and myself .
7 Division of the office function into departments ; their work , responsibilities and relationship to each other .
8 They are taught a broad range of subjects , they learn about childcare and have a good preparation for motherhood , and they provide support and solidarity to each other .
9 Or , in plain English , it gives natural strength and volume to each strand , making your hair noticeably thicker , shinier and easier to style .
10 Organisation and division of the office function into departments : their work , responsibilities and relation to each other .
11 Death sets a frame around life , gives it a context , adding a sharpness and purpose to each stage .
12 Yet even here the fireplace is carefully ‘ dressed ’ , with an earthenware sugar-basin in the centre , and a cracked teacup and saucer to each side .
13 After a period of training , co-counsellors are paired off , and thereafter act as both counsellor and client to each other .
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