Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The courts have repeatedly insisted that " irrationality , stupidity or obstinacy do not constitute malice though in an extreme case they may be some evidence of it . "
2 ‘ I bet Cannon & Ball do n't have to put up with this .
3 If demographic facts on numbers of old people , school-age children , etc. , are taken into account , the resources devoted to services such as health or education do not seem to have increased immoderately .
4 It provides a unique trading opportunity where market conditions or size do not justify the capital investment required for a conventional Burger King restaurant .
5 Avoid any foods that you know or suspect do not suit you .
6 When considering a whole range of variables it is found that those social characteristics indicative of a low position of wealth or status do not appear among persons treated as criminal more often than one would expect from their proportion among the general population .
7 Leave some of the batter off the fish as well ; • If you are eating a pizza or pie do not feel duty-bound to finish off the whole thing .
8 For safety , treads should measure at least 300mm ( 12in ) from front to rear , so that your toe or heel do n't catch the edge of the step above as you ascend or descend the flight .
9 However , in-flight service and experience do n't count for much if the plane is n't going where you want to be .
10 Today , service , seniority , and experience do not appear to be considered at all , your religion or creed appear to be an important factor in regulating your progress in the Service … ’
11 Thus oxygen and hydrogen do not combine at room temperatures , but do so explosively if the temperature is raised .
12 If you are not completely covered , hide where you blend into your surroundings so that your outline or the colour and texture of your clothes , hair and skin do n't give you away .
13 This particular difference does not appear to be a physical requirement of the articulatory system since the last segments in English peak and park do not show the variation associated with the different vowel environments .
14 Blackthorn blossom , gold of cowslip and kingcup , and blue of periwinkle and speedwell do not atone for unclothed branches .
15 Gastrin and pentagastrin do not affect proximal or distal colonic segmenting pressure activity , although pentagastrin does increase the number of sigmoid colonic myoelectrical spike potentials in normal subjects .
16 ‘ Still , the blouse and skirt do n't look too bad , d' you think ? ’
17 I was nice about it at first and said that business and pleasure do n't mix ; and that I do n't go out with married men and so on . ’
18 Community and confrontation do n't go together , which is fair enough but a bit cosy .
19 Natural fibres such as silk and wool do n't retain perspiration smells , and are the best insulators , but they may not take the moisture away after exercise .
20 The placing of the concept of the Created God entirely in that period of the earth 's history which follows the advent of life , means that science and religion do not need to be at variance .
21 First , gathering , hunting , and fishing do not represent clearly different technological stages but always occur together so long as the environment permits the combination .
22 Unless we make it trivially true that gold is malleable , by explicitly including malleability in our idea of it , we can perceive no connection between the ideas of gold and malleability ; our observation and experiment do not tell us that gold must be malleable ; we have no knowledge that it is .
23 Quine 's version of logical empiricism would support a version of foundationalism not vulnerable to the arguments of chapter 5 , since for him the observation statements basic to justification , verification and language-learning do not concern the nature of one 's own sensory states .
24 For a pilot , it is perhaps one of the most agreeable settings in which to ply his profession — even though fog , gales and ice do sometimes demand the limits of his skills .
25 I 'd agree with four out of six , but Repulsion and Cul-de-Sac do n't stick in my memory .
26 Another piece of evidence that p53 and K-rase do not cooperate in large bowel epithelium is the finding of ras mutation accompanied by p53 overexpression in an adenoma cell line , isolated by Dr C Paraskevas ( personal communication ) .
27 Defence budgeting and procurement do not move along different tracks from defence policy as a whole .
28 Do n't let anyone tell you that diet and exercise do n't go together .
29 ‘ And I can only say that the Master will not like it if his breakfast and lunch do not arrive on time , because he serves his maid coffee , engages her in chit-chat , and encourages her to read disreputable papers when she ought to be blackleading the range , or scrubbing the kitchen floor . ’
30 In quantum mechanics it turns out that the operators x and p do not commute , which is why there can not be a state in which they both take definite values .
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