Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] which is the " in BNC.

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1 And this is the beginning of an essay which answers it : The significance of the title of " The Captain 's Doll " is its use as a central symbol or motif which is the organizing principle for the whole story .
2 An idea or statement which is the opposite of another : He is happy but not rich is the converse of He is rich but not happy .
3 Here Gandhi is reinterpreting the traditional notion of mok a or liberation which is the pursuit of individual salvation or mok a by the practice of austerities ( tapas ) and the renunciation of all involvement in the affairs of the empirical realm .
4 He called it ‘ a great book which sheds a withering light on the netherworld of deceit , subversion and espionage which is the Communist conspiracy . ’
5 the figure is much destroyed from the waist down ; but the noble torso , and especially the head , express that compassion and humility which is the great achievement of Buddhist art . ’
6 And more positively , he found in mysticism , besides metaphysical delusions , which he is the first to castigate , yet an affirmation of the possibility of universal love and joy which is the apex of human achievement .
7 It is their status and relationship which is the subject of disagreement .
8 They are in favour of increasing the very centralisation and bureaucratisation which is the root cause of our present educational malaise .
9 But it must be prepared to rework and reconsider all received material and concepts , and to present its own contributions within the open interaction of evidence and interpretation which is the true condition of its adequacy .
10 On being asked by her/his commander why he had become so fat , she replied ‘ 'T IS strong beer and tobacco which is the cause of that ’ .
11 It is the distinction of focus between self and partner which is the difference between making love , and people using each other 's bodies in mutual masturbation .
12 The proposals in the White Paper on local government reform will jeopardise the strategic , transportation and economic integrity of the city and region which is the basis of Lothian 's economic success .
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