Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [vb base] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , Merry & Co pay me a lump sum to stage the mystery .
2 If she were interested in such a campaign , she could perhaps use as the model for it our own dear Speaker , whose radiant health and youthfulness make him the perfect epitome of a diet based on vegetarianism .
3 There may well have been something lacking in the lives of the millions but that need had to be catered for and the catering was done by the ingenious and indefatigable army of commercial opportunists whose energy and boldness tell us an enormous amount about that age .
4 ‘ I 'm tired by the constantly disturbed nights — and the aggressiveness and abuse worry me a lot . ’
5 Acquired expertise and skill give her the confidence to make the choices that will shape her future .
6 On one side is the spineless Bishop Barrantes , representing the worst aspects of the Church 's mugwumpery and corruption ; on the other is Father Maby , confidant of Elena and friend to the poor and displaced in his jungle retreat ; his work is less glamorous than the revolutionary 's , but his wisdom and gentleness make him the unexpected hero of the novel .
7 The figure is flatly composed , like an ajouré relief , and though head and breast front us the legs are in profile .
8 Its soils and drainage make it a quite distinct area , described on pages 46 and 47 .
9 Michael reminds me of a cardboard version of Prince ; his experiments with pastiche and his fusion of pop and soul make him an eclectic chap , but a dull one .
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