Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 A firm is often able to ignore the social costs imposed by pollution , congestion or noise associated with its operations .
2 Recorded reactions suggest that the German public was preoccupied not with Hitler 's remarks on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , but with the implications for war or peace contained in his speech .
3 as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions , to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with .
4 A further reason that may be advanced for insisting that police interference of whatever kind must be legally justified is that it is an understandable human reaction to respond with some indignation to an allegation or suspicion believed by its object to be unjustified .
5 The models shown here — a Tele , a Gretsch , a Flying V , an Explorer and a PRS — are just the tip of the iceberg , since Trevor offers a whole range of handmade miniature guitars either off-the-shelf or custom built to your exact specification .
6 The Egyptian god , Aten , was a universal god of all creation , he alone was god , and there were no myths and no magic or sorcery associated with his religion .
7 4.14 Normally , the measure of damage will be the sum expended to obtain the appliance or facility required plus its current running expenses .
8 These were defined as antegrade or retrograde based on their aborad or orad propagation respectively .
9 At some point , you will probably have to write out your own version of other people 's ideas in the form of paraphrase or summary embedded in your own work ; so it could be argued that you should do the rewriting from the outset , as you take your notes , in an effort to get at the ideas behind the words rather than just repeating the words themselves .
10 Think of a name or phrase related to your theme .
11 ( b ) We accept responsibility for death , bodily injury or illness caused to your or others named on your booking form by the negligent act or omission of our employees , agents , suppliers or sub-contractors or of their employees or agent acting within the course or scope of their employment ( other than that of air , sea and land carriers performing any domestic internal or international carriage whatsoever where we limit our liability to that provided for by the relevant international conventions in respect of such carriage ) .
12 In fact , when he does eventually get out of gaol I intend to make sure he never again sets foot on any boat or property owned by my companies . ’
13 Any idea or scheme based on your brainwork and intellectual agility is sure to be a winner .
14 Because the sons of the primal father both loved and hated him the possibility arose that those of them who by luck or design chanced on their actual fathers in their hunt for women and killed him or drove him off ( most probably the former , the latter seems insufficiently traumatic ) would have gratified one side of their ambivalent feelings , but would by the same action have frustrated the other .
15 The mad are said to keep a film or stage set in their heads , which they order and art-decorate and move through .
16 But there was no military tradition in the family , and despite the fame and glory won by his sons , they were still dwarfed by their father , Sam .
17 The whole point of radio communications is the very versatility and freedom associated with its use .
18 Specially welcome was the much greater interest and support shown by our many STUDENTS .
19 She was lying on her bed , looking up at the ceiling , Smudge and Whisky curled on her stomach .
20 The first was the news from Cambridge : the samples of blood and hair collected by his long-suffering team were confirmed as a match to the dead girl 's .
21 Even Dorothea Shottery had the comfort of a home and money left by her husband , even Dorothea who has contributed nothing to life , has a married name and her freedom .
22 Once the instruction is given , you will be impressed by the speed and enthusiasm shown by our sales staff who are so vital to the success of Adkin .
23 Ellwood sat still , a filigree of wine and blood and saliva strung across his jowls .
24 My face went deathly cold and saliva rushed into my mouth .
25 Apparently the offer from the department to submit itself to cross-examination came about because of a gaff in communications between the department and counsel instructed on its behalf by the Treasury Solicitor .
26 So often interpreted in this country as merely not telling anybody who 's actually got a hammer and sickle embroidered on his tie .
27 Images of animals huddled together for warmth , safety and companionship floated into my mind as I stood at the side of this man , watching him examine firearms .
28 MANY were shoeless , the dust and blood caked upon their shredded feet .
29 The secret of a long day of battle was fitting the components together : the state of caution ; the state of preparedness ; the state of uncaring action ; the state of elation ; the state of waiting ; so that each stage matched the others in sureness and strength , with every thread of body and mind strung to its finest pitch ready to sing to the touch , from one night 's sleep until the next , or until death itself .
30 Family relationships were also felt to suffer , with l6 carers specifically mentioning the friction and tension caused by their caring role .
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