Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 The company has signed Salomon Brothers Inc and Needham & Co Inc to be the co-managers of the offering .
2 Any party who is legally represented may be excluded from all or any part of the proceedings if the court considers this to be in the child 's interests having regard to the matters to be discussed or evidence likely to be given ( FPCR , r16(2) ; FPR , r4.16(2) ) .
3 The court may exclude the child from all or any part of the proceedings if it considers this to be in his interests having regard to matters to be discussed or evidence likely to be given .
4 Until the late 1970s , manufacturers had to print the minimum weight or volume likely to be present .
5 But if the lexicon is not complete , then neither is the syntax , semantics or phonology likely to be .
6 Obvious flashpoints like ‘ women-only classes ’ and ‘ separatist politics ’ are avoided and terminology likely to be alarming like ‘ lesbianism ’ , ‘ patriarchy ’ , ‘ woman hating ’ and ‘ liberation ’ , is diluted into ‘ sexuality ’ , ‘ inequality of opportunity ’ , ‘ sexism ’ and ‘ equal rights ’ .
7 GREY MIST MERE : Tench and carp will provide first returns with sweetcorn , caster and bread likely to be tops .
8 On March 10 the Hungarian Foreign Minister , Gyula Horn , and his Soviet counterpart , Eduard Shevardnadze , signed a similar agreement in Moscow , providing for the withdrawal of all 49,700 Soviet troops from Hungary also by July 1991 , with two-thirds of the troops and equipment due to be removed by the end of 1990 .
9 We do not allow the export of arms and equipment likely to be used against the civil population .
10 It carried out a survey of the noise and vibration likely to be caused by the construction of the project and concluded that noise and vibration would be ’ unlikely to have a major impact . ’
11 Seven modules have been introduced covering areas such as cognitive , occupational , developmental and clinical psychology , and providing the skills and knowledge likely to be required at a basic level in higher education .
12 Buildings were hastily demolished , and ironwork likely to be of use to the natives was buried in a deep pit .
13 Debt due for repayment within two years could be paid within five years , and debt due to be repaid over a longer period could be paid within eight years .
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