Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [noun sg] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Another potentially lethal hazard has been identified when baby-walkers are used ( Gray , 1987 ) ; it is easy for the child to reach out and pull on a kettle flex or iron flex which perhaps seemed safely tucked away and despite the apparent pleasure derived from baby-walkers , there is enough evidence of related accidents to recommend that they should not be used .
2 It 's what , plus or minus point one almost .
3 I arrived in the vastness of a new country as what I thought a tabula rasa but there was writing underneath , the coded determinants of what I was and always would be inscribed in ( what shall we say ? ) acetic acid or lemon juice which gradually browned and showed in the revealing action of sunlight .
4 Bullets and debris flying he still has to focus his camera and get the shot .
5 When a proton and deuterium fuse they also give helium-3 , accompanied not by a neutron this time but by radiant energy , a gamma ray .
6 The production of flame retardant chemicals at Billingham produces a mixed water and phenol waste which previously was discharged into the River Tees .
7 STRIPPED OF the spiritual baggage , philosophical hokum and rune mythology he usually insists on dragging around with him , Julian Cope is revealed here as a rock 'n' roll archivist par excellence .
8 They offer very scant opportunity for children to express themselves in creative and cultural activities , while retaining a relatively generous allocation for physical education ( a subject which in all my years as an inspector and teacher trainer I never saw convincingly taught outside college teaching practice ) .
9 Yet it was the people who continued to embody what English agents called ‘ enthusiasm ’ , the xenophobic church and king patriotism which never lost its terrors for the men of property .
10 Even when caught by the coastguard or the Immigration and Naturalisation Service they seldom get sent back .
11 By precisely wallowing in her own guilt and self pity she then needs to heighten her self esteem .
12 But although closed sewers had been dug in larger towns in the eighteenth and earlier centuries to replace open ditches , because of their square cross-section and inadequate fall and water supply they endlessly blocked up .
13 Enhancements include IBM LU 6.2 connectivity , which allows Top End applications to interoperate with CICS or IMS-based MVS applications , support for Microsoft Corp Windows Dynamic Link Library and OS/2 , remote login clients , improved routing/load balancing and throughput optimisation which automatically adds or subtracts copies of an application to meet demand .
14 onion , owt like and apple pie owt like , I never had none for living memory ?
15 The Scuttlers , Peaky Blinders and Area Sneaker himself all pre-dated the christening of the Hooligans , and in other towns there were similar gangs — the ‘ Grey Mare Boys ’ from Bradford or the ‘ High Rip ’ gangs of Liverpool — and London also had an earlier tradition of gangs such as the ‘ Tiger Bay ’ , the ‘ Monkeys ’ Parade' gang at Bow , or the ‘ Bowry Boys ’ of Poplar who were already in evidence in the late 1880s .
16 The formula is for a simple raspberry purée and cream mixture which today we should call a raspberry fool .
17 John Cage , composer and performance artist who profoundly influenced the development of avant-garde music , died 12 August , aged seventy-nine .
18 Compliment slip and letter heading you probably used to ask for ask er asking for .
19 Next , I would like to thank John for his support and encouragement I 'd like to mention Carole who has always been there when I 've needed At this point who again has always been very supportive I also want to thank members of the regional both past and present , but particularly I 'd like to thank all the regional officers and staff for their assistance and particularly George , Hugh and the officer I would also like to thank regional political officer for the Midlands and East Coast we now hold all the major positions of the Labour Party with I would also like to thank the national food and leisure committee for their help and support and particularly to David , Nick and To conclude , President , I 'd like to express my sincere thanks and love to those important people around me , my family .
20 Part of the policy of reducing gas and oil dependence which still remains is the discovery and development of new hydrocarbon resources .
21 The plight of the town 's population was graphically described yesterday by Simon Mardell , the former Aberdeen Royal Infirmary specialist in accident and emergency treatment who recently joined the World Health Organisation .
22 The 21-year-old tennis professional , who represents both Barnet and Welwyn LTC , relied heavily on a strong serve and volley game which particularly suited the indoor surface at Centrecourt .
23 It also features the work of the Anglican Peace and Justice Network which recently made contact with the landless people of Pelotas , Brazil .
24 The government funding has pre-empted the announcement of the opposition Labor Party 's science and technology policy which strongly favours the support of industry , particularly high technology .
25 But Sally and Peter are nothing if not resourceful , and with the aid of some good friends in the building and design world they soon set to work to transform this town house into a haven of beauty and calm .
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