Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [noun] give [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The spectre of drought looms over Bangladesh 's northern districts , with farmers and agriculture officials giving warning that thousands of acres of rice paddy in about eight north and western districts — the granary of the country — will be ruined .
2 For example , 78 r.p.m records and wind-up gramophones gave way in the 1950s to LPs and open-reel tape-recorders .
3 Hormone changes and weight gain give rise to varicose veins .
4 The PhD and MPhil programmes give training for those whose careers are likely to involve a high level of research .
5 The UK Northern Ireland Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew and the Irish Foreign Minister David Andrews agreed on Nov. 16 that progress had been made in the talks when round-table and committee stages gave way to bilateral contacts during the past four weeks , although there had been no bilateral meeting between the Irish government and the Democratic Unionist Party .
6 This juxtaposition of AL and body system gives guidance for curriculum planning , and also for knowing where to record problems , actual and potential , related to the AL of communicating if the Roper , Logan and Tierney model is used as a guideline for nursing plans .
7 Researchers stood on street corners , checked the clocks in banks and the speed at which tellers cashed cheques and shop assistants gave change .
8 Gardening columns in the Sunday newspapers were full of it , magazines and television programmes gave advice and encouragement and the garden centres made a killing on weedkiller sales .
9 In particular it will investigate what individual and area characteristics give rise to a person having a high probability of being a victim of crime not just once , but repeatedly .
10 The availability of a wide range of information sources and transmission media gives management and professional staffs , in particular , the ability to make informed decisions based on an up-to-date picture of a situation , and an awareness of alternative responses and their likely consequences .
11 The coexistence of standard English grammar and dialect grammar gives rise to educational problems , and the burden of coping with these is usually assigned to teachers .
12 The run-down villas and cement footpaths give way to dusty tracks and wooden shacks .
13 But child seats give cause for general concern .
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