Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 Worksheets which are in good condition are treated with more respect than those which too quickly are crumpled , torn or part company with the staples or covering .
2 On this basis you will have a reasonable chance of reaching MDA or Decision Height with the field ahead of you .
3 They actually enter into a lease or tennis agreement with the London Borough
4 As we suggested above , long-firm frauds can be carried out by people who have no social or business contact with the criminal fraternity .
5 The British Nationality Act 1981 , which currently governs this topic , is based upon the aim , seen in many other countries , of making a person 's nationality or citizenship accord with the country with which he is most really connected .
6 Functions and procedure definitions are " signalled " to BBCBASIC(Z80) by preceding the function or procedure name with the keyword " DEF " .
7 One will take pride of place in the town 's Harris Museum & Art Gallery with the other nameplate to be auctioned for Mayor 's charities .
8 This salad may be served as a colourful starter or be made into a more substantial lunch or supper dish with the addition of some potato salad on top of the bed of lettuce .
9 Drain the leeks and place in a liquidiser or food processor with the green chillis and the brine .
10 Cool the chicken stock , then place in a blender or food processor with the flesh of the avocados , half the green chillis and a little salt and pepper .
11 Group rewards of a symbolic kind like a group photograph or company shield with the group 's name on it are important devices used to build up the sense of practical ideological community .
12 ( B ) that , where the separate legal practice shares premises or reception staff with the multi-national partnership , all clients in England and Wales of the separate practice are informed in writing that , as clients of that practice , they do not enjoy the statutory protection attaching to clients of a multi-national partnership .
13 Improved road and rail links with the rest of Britain , good local amenities , and a wide range of leisure activities make the West Country a popular location for weekend home owners , and retirement.And retired people should also bear in mind the high cost of French health care .
14 She could manoeuvre her way round streets and crowds and subway lines with the ease of a native .
15 Once you have decided what type of range you are going to stock , open accounts , discuss terms , discounts , and payment periods with the utmost care .
16 Applications and curriculum vitae with the names and telephone numbers of two referees should be sent immediately to The Media Officer , ICT , PO Box 32047 , Braamfontein , South Africa 2017 .
17 Many other termites digest their unpromising food of twigs and vegetable detritus with the aid of micro-organisms in their gut .
18 Therefore , for a child , compare the net interest rate paid out by the banks and building societies with the gross rate paid by others , notably National Savings products .
19 Therefore , for a child , compare the net interest rate paid out by the banks and building societies with the gross rate paid by others , notably National Savings products .
20 Therefore , for a child , compare the net interest rate paid out by the banks and building societies with the gross rate paid by others , notably National Savings products .
21 I do n't think you would I certainly do n't think you would find divorced from the real world because he 's involved in consultancy work and research work with the national companies out with the organisation
22 Because of the differences in structure and gradings in the above two assessments , it is impossible to make direct comparisons , but the 1989 review includes within its Category 16 ( Other Physical Sciences ) , such diverse subjects as astronomy , oceanography , and meteorology , some of which have teaching and research connections with the earth sciences .
23 A national biotechnology scheme will fund specialist research groups at universities and research institutes with the aim of establishing five or six world-class research centres soon .
24 A large part of the world had special trading and investment relations with the UK stemming mainly from the ties forged during the earlier days of the Empire .
25 This process can be shown by normal carbon dioxide being passed through a tube containing algae in water with the heavier O isotope and carbon dioxide with the heavier O isotope being passed through another tube containing the same type of algae in normal water .
26 We were camped on a sand and gravel plain with the road running north–south , fifty yards from us to the east .
27 Although in nature the feeding pattern of Etroplus suratensis is markedly herbivorous , in captivity the pattern is omnivorous , greedily devouring all of the usual cichlid foods ie. beef-heart , mussel , bloodworm , shrimp and pond pellets with the occasional lettuce thrown in for additional roughage .
28 On Christmas Eve 1827 he arrived at Abbotsford which he had left six months before , as he wrote in a letter , ‘ in doubt whether I should fly my country and become avowedly bankrupt and surrender my library and household furniture with the life-rent of my estate for sale . ’
29 The better ones have been amalgamations of Gibson and Fender features with the Paul Reed Smith topping the heap .
30 However , the Bank of England has been party to the arrangements for placing gold and dollar reserves with the EMCF on a three-month temporary basis in exchange for ECUs .
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