Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] with [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This may take several hours during which she will lay small groups of eggs , which the male fertilises and covers with more bubbles .
2 I would imagine that industry confronts and copes with more forms of change than any other branch of our life .
3 Certainly in the class-room those from two feet to two feet only go straight up and down in all changements , soubresauts and entrechats with both legs fully extended at the height of the jump .
4 Advice and support is provided on an ongoing basis by each business advisor who monitors the progress of the business and helps with any problems which may arise .
5 The department issues financial memoranda and written guidance , and discusses with each UDCs the form and content of the annual corporate plans .
6 Then the first part is loaded , and begins with some bricks floating in midair — in time with the music they form ‘ ETE ’ ( short for Eternity ) , an excellent animation indeed .
7 Such an ideal does not stand isolated from the practices which strive towards it but interacts with those practices , helps to construct them , and is in turn constructed by them .
8 The charter covers not only salaries , a minimum wage and maternity benefit but deals with many issues .
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