Example sentences of "[coord] [was/were] seen to be " in BNC.

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1 The fact that ‘ official ’ criminals were overwhelmingly from the working class and were seen to be responding to the same forces that promoted socialist consciousness tended to favour at least a positive , if not heroic view of their activities .
2 Steve Platt finds that the people who sold their votes are not necessarily Labour supporters ; Missing millions Did vanishing voters tip the electoral scales , asks Jolyon Jenkins ; Culture of contentment The western world seems set on a course that will lead to great violence in our cities , says J K Galbraith ; On the clothes line The Paris fashion industry employs illegal immigrants at knock-down wages , reports Nyta Mann ; Symbolic injustice The importance of the Rodney King case is that injustice was done , and was seen to be done , says Alexander Cockburn
3 He is an extremely nice man and was seen to be a successful and popular president , although his name was linked to allegations that certain transactions were not totally above board .
4 According to Mrs Whitehouse , there was a time not so long ago when the Church was , and was seen to be , the defender of both public and private morality .
5 Owen 's own first chosen vehicle , the co-operative community , had become an irrelevance and was seen to be impracticable .
6 The growth of the Welfare State was seen to have developed diseconomies of scale and was seen to be securing staff interests rather than the public 's .
7 It was important that employee information remained secure , and was seen to be so .
8 The difficulty of hitting a balance between total rigidity and disciplined freedom was recognized , but was seen to be an essential aim .
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