Example sentences of "[coord] [was/were] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even the widespread belief that decisions on industrial location are ( or were before the introduction of the uniform business rate ) heavily influenced by the level of local taxation has been undermined by a series of research reports ( including Crawford , Fothergill and Monk ( 1985 ) which was commissioned by the Department of the Environment ) .
2 The letter rogatory specifies those facts and circumstances causing the requesting party reasonably to believe that the requested documents are or were in the possession , control , or custody of , or are known to the person from whom the documents are requested .
3 Initiatives aimed at addressing the needs of pupils in terms of independent learning and study skills were already evident in all four schools , and three of the four had developed ( or were in the process of developing ) reasonably spacious and attractive library areas .
4 The probability indeed is that the eastern Angles either had been or were in the process of being brought into a dependent relationship with Eadwine by the time of his marriage to Aethelburh or at least not long after .
5 It was widely believed that North Korea had the capacity — or was on the verge of achieving it — to produce a nuclear weapon .
6 The first defendant learnt of this but also became aware that no copy of his report had been sent to the tribunal or was on the plaintiff 's file at the hospital .
7 Notice to produce the document must have been given in order to render oral evidence of it admissible ; it must be shown that the document existed , is or was in the possession of the other side , and that the original would have been admissible and relevant .
8 Western intelligence experts , who believed that North Korea had already built or was in the process of constructing a reprocessing facility capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium , were taken by surprise since satellite photographs had previously shown only two reactors .
9 Corbett and Ranulf immediately took their leave and were through the abbey gates travelling north to Leith just as the sun rose .
10 You see , to let you understand , this was maybe about four or five years after nationalization and prior to nationalization of course , was under the L M S , Street Station and were under the L M S and was under the L N E R. But when I arrived at , I heard them talking about the Callie see , the Callie railway .
11 The United States expert sought to re-assure the Commission that pre-trial discovery procedures in his country were all after the commencement of proceedings ( the relevance of this being , presumably , that it picks up the requirement of Article 1(2) of the Convention ) and were under the control of a judge .
12 These unfavourable contrasts were commonplace at the beginning of the decade and were at the heart of the centrist critique of two-party politics as then played .
13 The United States and Japan , who spent less than 0.04 per cent and 0.07 per cent respectively on ODA to LDCs and were at the bottom of the league table of aid donors , undertook to increase their aid .
14 During the war the Savoy Players were the resident drama group , and were at the theatre for the duration of the black-out .
15 We said good-bye to Stoyaeka and were at the warehouse at 07:30 where we were introduced to Josef who would co-ordinate the unloading of the trailer .
16 They heard the siren and were at the entrance ready to take over as soon as the boy was carried out of the ambulance .
17 Two years later , by the time the second edition was published , most of these had been rescued and were off the danger list .
18 We worked a wee half a week and were on the dole , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday we 'd be on the dole , then work Thursday , Friday and Saturday morning .
19 Hypocrisy is a key element in this plot , too , with the difference that while they started near the top of society and were on the verge of receiving power at the very beginning , he — as a bastard son who is only just back from having spent nine years abroad ( the typical occupation for one who has no prospect of inheritance in his own country ) and is due to go again — starts very much lower down in society , virtually at the bottom .
20 There was evidence that passers-by were annoyed , and were on the verge of resorting to violence when the police intervened .
21 George I and George II were Germans by birth and upbringing , and were on the throne simply because all the heirs with better hereditary claims were disqualified by being Roman Catholics .
22 By now they had walked some distance along the Haymarket , and were on the edge of Piccadilly Circus where Dr Neil was relieved to see that Stair 's party had disappeared and the crowds there had grown less .
23 Finally we climbed a bank and were on the road again , the smoothness of it lulling me into such a deep sleep that I never saw the barrier at the railway crossing , did not even hear them telling Ward the Jequetepeque had broken its banks a little further on .
24 At last they decided to withdraw from the square and were on the point of departure when they were suddenly surrounded by a group of tough-looking soldiers , helmeted and armed .
25 They lived in Gordon Square , and were on the fringe of the Bloomsbury set .
26 A core staff of assistant manager , guest services director , food and beverages manager , head chef and housekeeper had already been appointed and were on the payroll , helping with preparations for the hotel 's opening .
27 Originally many cattle in Ayrshire were black with a white stripe on the back and white flanks and faces , and were of the Highland or Galloway type , but these were locally displaced by Dutch cattle imported between 1750 and 1780 , with ( it is rumoured ) a few Alderneys coming into Scotland in 1756 .
28 Mr Govind said the finance minister had announced that 100% equity would be allowed on some developments if they utilised advanced technology and were in the country 's interest .
29 Great was the smiting and slaying in short time ; but by reason that the Moors were so great a number , they bore hard upon the Christians , and were in the hour of overcoming them .
30 They had now almost finished Exodus and were in the middle of The Wind in the Willows .
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