Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 The company gets burned by the cost of extra development time and resources needed to correct or re-write the application for each architecture .
2 The company gets burnt by the cost of extra development time and resources needed to correct or re-write the application for each architecture .
3 This is not a matter of accident , or simple confusion , or even of deliberate attempts to use or misuse the word for particular political purposes — although all of these factors may , and in fact do , come into it .
4 What is sad is that caught in this way , they are unable to see or use the opportunities for life-fulfilling experiences spread out before them .
5 Under the Vienna Convention the right to terminate or suspend the treaty for material breach by another party is limited to the parties .
6 Considering the particular forms of ‘ socialisation ’ which have emerged with the development of the impersonal capital , to what extent do these increase or limit the opportunities for socialist transformation of the economy ?
7 It is no surprise , therefore , that the history of the relations between Government and the trade union — movement has consisted so largely of intervention to harden or soften the market for the commodity at the movement 's disposal .
8 So what I 've tried to show diagrammatically is that , we start ninety four , ninety five with plans in place , shown by the vertical dotted line on the graph , a number of those will die or leave the system for other reasons during the year , and we 've taken a fairly optimistic view I would say , erm , optimistic in the financial sense , that a significant number of those will leave the system during the year .
9 It is an inexpensive , simple procedure which could be performed as part of the diagnostic histopathological process and could direct or reduce the need for subsequent imaging procedures .
10 The legislation was re-drafted , however , to stipulate that to perform , procure , or supply the means for , an illegal abortion was a third degree felony and thus punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of $5,000 .
11 To achieve this high priority is being given to the development of domiciliary provision and the encouragement of measures designed to prevent or postpone the need for long term care in hospital or residential homes .
12 Maxim wished he had made the call himself even if George had had to look up and dial the number for him .
13 ICMS is a combination of ways to manage crops in order to conserve and enhance the environment for wildlife and people while at the same time producing quality crops of economic yield .
14 An English interior designer flew out especially to plan and make the curtains for this one room , and the heavy silk drapes with thickly ruched pelmets , magnificent tassels and braid trims cost several thousand pounds , exceeding by far the means of most of her customers .
15 To such critics , postmodernism 's self-reflexiveness seems a renunciation , in favour of a sterile narcissism , of the novel 's potential to shape and assimilate the world for its readers .
16 As Penn 's were not prepared to develop Willans 's engines , he first formed a partnership to license other manufacturers , and then in 1876 joined Hunter & English of Bow , London , to develop and market the engine for marine use .
17 To be effective , services have to plan and work together and respect the need for a truly multi-disciplinary approach to the needs of dementia sufferers and their carers .
18 This option enables you to view and update the parameters for the execution of an Offline Cycle .
19 DEC has licensed X.desktop , and both companies will work together to supply and integrate the product for DEC 's Motif-based Ultrix , Open VMS and OSF/1 platforms , both MIPS and Alpha .
20 When they were inside , Fagin told the girl , ‘ I 'll just go upstairs and fetch the cash for Bill , my dear .
21 If , however , a colleague has offered to go along and watch the lesson for you , it may well help if you underline the type of general information you would like back in addition to the notes on the lesson .
22 Surely the head of DoE Road Safety and Government should sit down and watch the advert for Autoglass to realise the danger of this .
23 They will now come and do the concerts for the Salzburg Easter Festival .
24 Or do you mean you paid a lot of tradesmen to come in and do the work for you ?
25 So before SuperSparc corrals all the business , he 's sending Sun messages in the press that if it does n't buy HyperSparc — also known as Pinnacle — he 's going to turn round and do the Alpha for DEC .
26 And then it 's just a case of providing them with tapes and tape recorders and they will wander off an and do the tapes for us .
27 I 'll go and do the lift for you alright ?
28 In the meantime , it was important to assess and identify the sites for what was hoped to be a series of follow-on stations .
29 Mr Browning had expressed himself surprised that she had failed to recognise and acknowledge the consideration for herself and her well-being which had influenced their decision about Ferdinando .
30 you can either turn left and follow the road for 100yds turning right onto a path above a stream .
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