Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] it be not " in BNC.

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1 A range of options for recording achievement may be adopted whenever there is no purpose to be served by deriving a single total score from the items on the test , or where it is not necessary to rank the examinees in order of merit .
2 They must provide cover for absent colleagues for up to three days , though this can be extended for a teacher whose classroom teaching duties occupy less than three-quarters of his or her working week , or where it is not ‘ reasonably practical ’ for a supply teacher to be found to replace the absent colleague .
3 Or if it 's not being entertaining , coming away absolutely hating or loving it — as long as it 's some sort of reaction .
4 " Just a word or two , Mrs James , I can easily wait if you 're engaged with your friends or if it 's not otherwise convenient . "
5 the consumer 's house is not ‘ treated with chemicals ’ , it is preserved , with built-in protection — or if it is not , it is built of woodworm fodder .
6 If a LIFESPAN header can not be found or if it is not in the correct format then a ‘ scan error ’ results .
7 The MMC pointed out that the block exemption only applied if there were no effective competition , no refusal to supply , or if it were not true that less favourable conditions were imposed on those with an exclusive purchasing obligation .
8 A patent , once granted , can be revoked if it is subsequently shown to fail to meet the requirements for patentability ; for example , that it was not novel on the priority date or does not have an inventive step , or if it was not granted to the person entitled to it .
9 But as I suggested in the last part of Chapter 2 , this difference is not of any great practical significance : whether deviant motivations are taken as given because they express free will ( classical theory ) or because it is not deemed fruitful to attempt their explanation ( control theory ) does not , in itself ; have any practical implications for the subsequent criminological enterprise .
10 But I would say that the way to look at this site is to ask whether it is part of the built area , in other words whether it is built on , or whether it is not part of the built area , in other words it is not built on .
11 This may seem perfectly acceptable so long as we are convinced of the absolute rightness of these standards ; but the question must arise whether there is any point in seeking for single comprehensive definitions of such categories as poetry , literature , art , etc. , or whether it is not better to regard the definitions that may be devised as applicable only to certain kinds of literature or certain aspects of texts .
12 about this you are wasting your time , er then hopefully you if you are having a problem to come and see me and I can tell you if it is a problem or whether it 's not , it 's not particularly a problem , so you know , come along and see me
13 Lord Jauncey stated that the issue was whether clause 3 amounted to an unlawful and invalid fetter on TBL 's statutory power to increase its share capital or whether it was not more than an agreement between shareholders about their manner of voting in a given situation .
14 Wherever possible , jobs could be created at localities of most need , but a greater worker mobility than has been displayed in the past should be expected , and where it is not obtained , financial restrictions should be exerted to encourage fit , able but reluctant people to move from the old , worked-out pockets of industry to new opportunities elsewhere .
15 In small businesses like a grocery shop , a newsagent or a small restaurant most of the workers recruited are invariably speakers of the same community language , and where it is not a homogeneous linguistic group , there is a common language , a linguafranca which is not English but Hindi-Urdu ( among the South Asians ) .
16 Having been nurtured in this way and observed adult males receiving the same treatment , boys may expect similar preferential treatment and where it is not offered automatically , demand it as a right .
17 Learners of English need to learn where is appropriate and where it is not .
18 Acoustically , the KH has a promising blurry ring to it and although it 's not loud , due to the Floyd , it does seem to sustain particularly well .
19 And although it 's not strictly my business , and I do n't want to pry into things that are n't my concern , I do need to know why you told everyone that Gramps was Phena 's father — No … ’
20 Tony in charge of services and communication , Simon in charge of policy and development , Richard in charge of resource development , and although it 's not on the script and she said I must n't to the script , I ought to mention also Samantha who has joined us as head of communications on whom , you may thank for all the sort of visuals that we 're having , and the bright idea of videoing er , our Chairman .
21 Over and above that we think in a sense that it 's a series of disabilities , of intellectual functioning , and although it 's not by any means proven , we think that these are probably constitutional in origin .
22 If the house has a solid floor , that too must have a membrane which extends over the whole of it , and although it is not possible to see it , any defects will show in the form of damp patches under floor coverings , discoloration or loose vinyl tiles .
23 Most elderly people find that the visiting officers are friendly , patient , and helpful , and although it is not necessary for a relative to be present , no objection will be raised to this if the elderly person wishes it .
24 In most cases the horn will be fitted and although it is not necessary to prove why the horn did n't work when operated it may be of assistance to the court .
25 ‘ Stand ’ is proved by the observations of the officer concerned and although it is not necessary to prove the vehicle had been in the offending position for a particular period of time the court may find it helpful if the officer could give evidence , ‘ The vehicle was parked on Bradford Road from 20.00 hours to 21.00 hours etc . ’
26 And although it is not clear what was meant by ‘ real ’ crime , it is evident that certain kinds of common theft , damage and injury were regarded as wholly commonplace in pre-war years and hardly worth a moment 's thought .
27 Chirk had been held by Gloucester and although it is not stated in the grant the king was evidently promoting , or at least sanctioning , an exchange of interests .
28 Although compressed into less than 18 months there are certain similarities between the two revolutions , in their tactics as well as their phases , and although it is not explicit there is a remarkable comparison that may be inferred from Devillers ' brilliant essay in which he describes a Vietminh , at the end of 1946 , already losing momentum and because of that , driven to imprudent acts :
29 Glasgow , an industrial city beside the Clyde noted for shipbuilding , is larger than Edinburgh , and although it is not as beautiful as Scotland 's capital , its university was founded more than 100 years earlier , its art galleries are even more distinguished , its theatrical tradition is stronger , its churches possibly grimier , and its football teams more famous .
30 Merchants were able to secure exemption from it , and although it is not clear who emerged more strongly from disputes in the 1440s , by the 1450s control of the Staple seems to have passed to men hostile to it ( 84 , pp.261 , 270–1 , 273 ) .
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