Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [adv] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Socrates may or may not have a gene or two alive in the world today , as G. C. Williams has remarked , but who cares ?
2 We need therefore to consider policies which integrate older workers into society , either in terms of maintaining them in the workplace or facilitating options which develop new social roles which may or may not have a work element .
3 A housewife may be married or not , and she may or may not have a job outside the home .
4 Global warming or any of the thousand other worries that come under the environmental heading may or may not have a sound scientific basis , but subjective judgement is still required to determine what priority to give them , and what rules , actions and expenditure are justified to relieve them .
5 Entities , being elements of a specifically linguistic domain which we shall call the intensional level , may or may not have a referent in some real or imaginary external world ; we can certainly talk about an entity while uncertain of the existence of any related " thing " in the world about which we are speaking , or even while explicitly rejecting such an existence .
6 So , although a wild horse would continually roam in search of food , a domestic horse may not , or may not have the opportunity to do so .
7 This is the main appeal of religion to the vast majority of believers , who may or may not have the ‘ oceanic ’ feeling of the more mystically inclined .
8 And may or may not have the resolution , the constancy , so to do .
9 And there 's also you may or may not have the erm form which you claim relief for community charge and housing benefit inside the form .
10 It was rather like working out the details of one of her plots : circumstances capable of more than one interpretation ; actions which might or might not be innocent ; individuals who might or might not have a genuine motive , the means and opportunity to commit the crime .
11 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for trying to answer the question , but can he improve on that answer and tell the House clearly whether a Labour Government would or would not have the fourth boat ?
12 However , it is plain that the speaker of English , although he performs this general task reliably thousands of times a day , has no idea whatever how he does it , and may well have a healthy scepticism about proffered accounts in terms of linguistic or other rules .
13 They include such things as stock control , critical path analysis , and organiser programs — and may well have a major role to play in mathematics learning in the future .
14 Those who wish to apply for admission to these degrees should possess at least an upper second class honours degree or its equivalent and may well have a Masters ' degree .
15 As a homosexual himself we learn , through his poetry , that Gunn has lost many close friends to the disease and may well have the HIV virus himself .
16 Inactivation of the p53 pathway will result in the survival of cells exposed to mutagens , and may thus have a pivotal role in the development of cancer .
17 The problem of consistency of measurement techniques over a long period of time will have to be faced and may not have a satisfactory solution .
18 However , in a more recent study Nyman and Silberston cast some doubt on the growth of management control , reporting that as high a figure as 56.25 of the top 250 companies in the UK were still controlled by shareholders , and concluding that ‘ the extent of managerial control is more limited than has been thought and may not have an inexorable tendency to increase .
19 The vast majority of defendants , even politically motivated ones , have not the energy , and may not have the means , to launch long and expensive appeals .
20 Schemes which place teachers into industry without adequate preparation or follow up usually offer little of lasting value and may even have a detrimental effect on the relationship between education and industry .
21 Often this is because the original advisers are not familiar enough with what is involved in proving a case , and may even have the naive belief that the inherent ‘ sense ’ of their development proposal will somehow be apparent to all .
22 The protector often has powers to prevent trustees from doing things and may even have the power to remove trustees .
23 A consequence of this unquestioning enthusiasm is that the implications of change have not been thought through , and may yet have a sting or two in the tail .
24 His opposition while in office was such that he was ousted — to run a technical publishing house — but he is still in his early fifties and may yet have a political future .
25 This effect is absent in patients with cystic fibrosis , who have impaired pancreatic HCO 3 - secretion and may possibly have a generalised defect in gastrointestinal HCO 3 - secretion .
26 Community legislation may be comprehensive without necessarily dealing with the precise point raised by the Member State , and may therefore have the effect of ‘ freezing ’ the situation .
27 John Sandoe with his tiny treasure trove of a bookstore off the King 's Road , understood this instinctively and must surely have the highest measure of customer loyalty in London .
28 the university has a new duty , we are told : there is a besieging host , everincreasing , of Indians , Africans , Commonwealth people in general , Levantines , who aspire to become university teachers of English literature , and must therefore have a PhD — preferably a Cambridge one ( though it is admitted that a large proportion of them could n't hope to take the English Tripos with much credit — even if they could pass ) .
29 Instead of musical mats , children can ‘ walk the plank ’ and should not have a foot on it or be the last person to pass over when the music stops .
30 Businesses searching for financial assistance can be start-ups or already trading , and should normally have a business plan .
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