Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The physiotherapist may sit or stand in front of the patient , or may kneel on the plinth behind him , according to the type of guidance she intends to give him .
2 Then there 's a lady over here who comes or used to come on a regular basis a couple of times a month she comes now a couple of times a year .
3 With cholangiocarcinomas the reported diagnostic sensitivity of exfoliative cytology varies from 44–100% and may depend on the method and site of sampling as well as its timing during the biliary manipulation .
4 The Committee normally meets fortnightly for the first eight weeks each term ( weeks 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 ) and may meet on a fifth occasion ( in week 10 ) .
5 Thus microclimate effects can have major short-term implications for local populations ( such as those brought about by the photochemical smogs of Los Angeles ) , are often applicable only over areas of a few hectares or less and may operate on a diurnal cycle .
6 Shortages may occur through large outflows of funds from the banks to the government ( into the governments accounts held at the Bank of England ) or due to a large need for cash by customers , and may occur on a daily basis .
7 They will not be allocated a seat on the aircraft and must sit on a parent 's lap unless there is an unoccupied seat available .
8 If the toss was fair and he misses it , he is out and must sit on the floor in the middle .
9 The harem system requires , of course , that a large number of males are unlucky in the breeding season and must remain on the fringe of the reproductive groups .
10 The first two larval stages usually feed on bacteria , but the L3 , sealed off from the environment by the retained cuticle of the L2 , can not feed and must survive on the stored nutrients acquired in the early stages .
11 He 's at Baden Baden today and should remain on the winning trail .
12 He 's at Baden Baden today and should remain on the winning trail .
13 It is surely time that the old style of letter , ‘ Your patient is doing well and should continue on the same treatment , ’ was consigned to the history books .
14 If the execution is abortive , the creditor receives a bill from the sheriff 's officer for work done ( £15 to £35 ) , and should insist on a full report about the debtor .
15 These latter two are incurred after completion has taken place , and should feature on the completion statement .
16 It involves making judgements about how people will and should behave on the basis of gender stereotypes believed to be determined by their sex .
17 The environment files and the object libraries are PI issue files and should reside on the LIFESPAN Installation Account .
18 This is a more objective discussion than progress monitoring and should concentrate on the problems the surveyor is encountering in his own contribution rather than the inherent problems of a particular job .
19 He went on : ‘ The round-table negotiations that we proposed should include the Communist Party , the government and our union , and should agree on a new constitution .
20 All items must be determined on a prudent basis and should err on the side of caution and in particular : ( a ) Revenue and profits must not be anticipated , but should be recognised by inclusion in the profit and loss account only when realised in the form of cash or of other assets , the ultimate realisation of which can be assessed with reasonable certainty .
21 Bill Hand was a little fellow with a little name — he only stood 5ft 6ins in his stockinged feet — but he was tough and sturdy and could play on the wing or at inside-forward and did so to considerable effect for the Palace in the early 1920s .
22 The software was inexpensive and could run on a single or dual disk drive system .
23 Key recommendations included ( i ) the establishment of an expanded National Peace Committee ( NPC ) with permanent local and regional offices which would replace dispute resolution committees ; ( ii ) the stationing of 30 UN observers who would serve with the NPC and would draw on the experience of the UN team which monitored the mass action campaign ; ( iii ) the provision of UN assistance to the Goldstone Commission for full-scale inquiries into the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , the South African Police ( SAP ) and the Kwazulu Police as well as the armed wing of the ANC , Umkhonto we Sizwe , and its Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) and Azanian People 's Organization ( AZAPO ) equivalents ; the Commission 's findings , hitherto presented to the government , would be released to the multiparty NPC ; ( iv ) UN reassessment of its role every three months ; ( v ) the resumption of constitutional negotiations as soon as possible with the establishment of a " deadlock-breaking " mechanism ; ( v ) the appointment of " an eminent and impartial person " to convene the talks ; ( vi ) the urgent release of political prisoners ; and ( vii ) an end to the bias of the state broadcasting services .
24 Redbridge and Waltham Forest had accepted that there would be no major increase in revenue to fund the development of new services before closure and would plan on the basis that half of the sites of two hospitals could be sold to finance the new services .
25 Then he would go downstairs and would put on the kettle ; at 7.15 he would be ready to leave the house .
26 ( 8 ) The term of office of members of a licensing board shall begin with the day of their election under subsections ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) above and shall end on the day of the next election of members of the licensing board , but any member of a board shall be eligible for re-election .
27 The first half of the twentieth century will be represented primarily by Spanish art and will draw on the Miró and Dalí bequests .
28 I 'd also use more in the plant line than Java Moss , like some Java Fern which is indestructible and will grow on the bogwood .
29 The odd large smooth stone and clumps of plants — including Java Fern which is indestructible and will grow on the bogwood — will give you a more varied effect .
30 The amount actually payable could be higher or lower and will depend on the bonuses added to the policy and the surrender basis in force at the time .
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