Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Or if he goes out I stop in .
2 A deadlock can only be opened with a key so a thief can not smash a pane of glass and open the door ; or if he gets in through a window , he ca n't carry your property out through the door .
3 What I do n't want is a man who takes me out for a meal , buys a bottle of cheap plonk and expects payment in the form of instant sex , either in the back of his car , or if he gets really lucky , in my flat .
4 If he does n't , or if he does n't sell anything , you simply call around and take your unsold goods home — that is provided you can find them .
5 He knows , or if he does not know he should find out , the features or conditions of the environment he has chosen to occupy , and he should act accordingly .
6 For a start he would drown , or if he did n't drown he would suffocate ; and most probably he would have died of a heart attack when he felt the great mouth gape for him .
7 And there was already the fear and the regret at the distance he seemed to be travelling from Ifor ; the utter ignorance of what was going to happen when or if he did finally and two years late pass the examination .
8 There are points when I wonder if he actually hates me , or if he 's not yet got beyond the level of contempt and indifference .
9 Every appointment seems to be an outrageous shot in the dark , either because the person appointed has no experience , or because he has far too much experience , having been fired from 43 other clubs ( three times from QPR ) .
10 Ceauşescu casually approved these , either as a generous host or because he did not recognize the value of rococo or recherché items .
11 He did not , but she did not know whether he was silent about the assault on her because it would upset Barbara Coleman to hear of it , or because he did not want the Josephs to know .
12 Because he spoke riddles in verse , or because he did n't believe the story of Flodden ?
13 The only question is whether they will tell the Labour leader what he wants to hear or whether he does not even know what he believes about the state of Britain after 13 years of Tory rule .
14 ‘ Whether he does , or whether he does n't — I can assure you that that has nothing to do with the quality of my work ! ’ she hissed , barely able to remember a time when she had felt quite so angry .
15 The question may arise as to whether the decision to consent to or reject treatment is made by a patient who has the capacity to make the decision , in other words whether he is fit to make it , or whether he has genuinely made the decision .
16 I could not make out whether his conscience was troubling him or whether he did n't realise what he was telling me .
17 ‘ We 're looking at a one-fight scenario or a two-fight scenario , ’ said Bowe 's manager , Rock Newman , referring to Bowe fighting Lewis first or after he has already had one defence .
18 His spirits sank again at the prospect and although he went out to Ruislip where his former battalion now had its headquarters , and although he was received by Colonel Bumford , his spirits were at zero three days later when Charity spoke to him on the telephone .
19 At one year old he was the ideal age for breeding and although he 'd never been with another bird before , his first mate produced eggs within two months .
20 He 'd been in the house for nearly six weeks now and although he had not yet been called upon to take part in a Vibrancy performance , he had all the time in the world to practise .
21 ‘ One member of my crew was hit between the legs and although he got ashore and was able to walk he was a very worried man until the M.O .
22 He stumbled , and although he felt frantically with his crook for firm ground to steady himself and regain his balance , he pitched forward into a steep-sided dell , upon the edge of the moor .
23 Although he had been immersed for days in Ridley 's exotic tale , searching out the coiling roots of Coleridge 's Kubla Khan , and although he knew intellectually that so many of these stories and poems were impregnated with an unconscious symbolism which later adventures into the human psyche were to make so much more explicit , he was temperamentally incapable of seeing the hidden meaning within this laborious passing from the ‘ dungeon of lust ’ into the pellucidly clear air of the mountains of Tasgi where voices shouted in exultation .
24 Barely more than half an hour before , he 'd driven into the village on an errand for the Venetz sisters and although he saw almost no one along the way , he 'd been able to sense a tension in the air ; it was a faint background buzz like that of power lines in the rain .
25 The care and attention he received was first class throughout his stay and although he missed out on a family Christmas at home , the staff more than made up for it and he was showered with extra presents which helped to speed his recovery .
26 The sight of them would be enough to give designers of air balls , gels and energy return systems the jitters , and although he has never measured his mileage , he estimated he had run at least 25,000 miles in them , and possibly more !
27 He 's got a crooked back , you see , and although he 's always been rich , he was never really happy until he married . ’
28 Pete felt a stirring of apprehension then , rising like a deepwater fish to the sunlight ; and although he tried not to let it show , Alina seemed to perceive it .
29 ‘ He had been shown the yellow card and the referee had had a word with him and although he did n't like being substituted , I did it for his own good .
30 And Preston very tense behind the sofa , because when his nan called someone madam she meant business , and although he did n't know what adultery meant exactly he knew it was something smutty and another of the things the commandments came down pretty hard on .
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