Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] [adj] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And the partnership 's life is a short as a task completed or as long as a connected , improving spiral of programme sustains it through renewal .
2 We told them the truth and as usual when a panic was over they apologized but warned that we must be patient .
3 Unscrupulous bird exporters do n't care : they simply catch more birds , and as long as a few per cage survive , they are still in profit .
4 There is a kind of corporate responsibility , and as long as a government is just it is a citizen 's duty to support it , but when the actions or a government hurt the individual and harm the nation it is the duty of a citizen to withdraw his support .
5 By the central pole stood a great oaken chest , three feet high and as long as a man .
6 His cock felt as hard and as long as a barber 's pole , as he held it in his fist and ground the round , blunt tip against her tender haven .
7 No polishing is needed , and as long as the seal remains intact , the floor will look good and give long service .
8 A : You can claim daily benefits for the duration of any hospital stay , up to a maximum of one year at any time , as long as your premiums are paid up to date , and as long as the circumstances of your hospitalisation are not mentioned under the exclusions clause below .
9 And as long as the Kremlin remains paralysed , British business there will look for nothing but confirmation that things at home are not , perhaps , so bad after all . .
10 In practice village elders were usually jointly responsible for the payment of the dues of village members as a whole , and as long as the correct amount was forthcoming , and the village itself reasonably peaceful and law-abiding , the domain authorities tended to concern themselves little with how this was achieved .
11 The basic reason for housing inequalities is income inequalities and as long as the latter exist , the former will do , too .
12 To wager one 's existence on an educational solution is a viable option as long as individual academic success is forthcoming , and as long as the educational solution itself is perceived as credible .
13 This process can continue , turning aside and turning back , and as long as the emotive flow is not disrupted unity is preserved , while our interest is constantly kept alive and rewarded .
14 However , the same principles apply in all cases , and as long as the music is primarily melodic , the various sections of large movements can be created with the melody-building methods we have described .
15 Hence it is the closed national state which afforded to capitalism its chance for development — and as long as the national state does not give place to a world empire capitalism also will endure .
16 They have a contractual relationship with the firm , and as long as the contract is honoured they have no additional claim .
17 Roll the black fondant out on a surface dusted with cornflour or icing sugar to a strip about 5cm-(2inches) wide and as long as the circumference of the cake .
18 There 's a lot more to smooth transitions between programmes than you might realise and as long as the team here stays on the ball , you 'll probably continue not to notice they 're there .
19 You carry it out , and as long as the lid As long as you pack stuff so that the top does n't come above the le level of the lid , you wo n't get any damage done , and it 's much easier .
20 But as long as the finished beer is left to brew naturally and is free from such unnatural processes as chilling , filtering and pasteurisation , the end result is traditional draught beer , known in the industry as ‘ cask conditioned beer ’ and more popularly as … real ale .
21 The existence of the A-X association may mean that training with A will allow the associatively activated representation of X to gain associative strength ; but as long as the c elements still gain strength , generalization to B will still occur and discrimination will not be improved .
22 But as long as the A level system remains , pupils at school will be required severely to limit their choice of subjects , it being assumed that the only way to ensure ‘ standards of excellence , is to go more and more deeply into an ever narrower range of subjects .
23 So , art history only begins after the death of the work , but as long as the work lives , or at least in the first fifty years of its life , it communicates with people living in the same period who have accepted it or rejected it and who have talked about it .
24 ‘ It 's cold , but as long as the baby 's well wrapped up it 'll do no harm .
25 But as long as the politicians are forced to levy annual taxes to make annual debt repayments , there is some control over their fiscal integrity .
26 There will come the time when he will withdraw the Holy Spirit , when he will be taken out of the world , but as long as the church of Jesus Christ is here that will not take place .
27 But as long as the old folk are happy , that 's all that matters .
28 No one can predict what will make news as we enter the next ten years of Central , but as long as the talent survives , we 're promised entertainment well worth watching .
29 His starting point can be anything from a scale drawing prepared by a draughtsman to a crude sketch , but as long as the room dimensions are correct Andrew can set to work in the Sheffield studio .
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