Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] [pron] 's [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I just want to know if your anger is because of the way the project has absorbed me lately , or if it 's simply the ill-mannered forgetfulness I showed last night — which I do n't deny , and for which I again apologize . ’
2 And depending whether it 's a rectangular plot or whether it is n't or not or if it 's slightly at an angle then some of the corner houses have a fairly long gardens .
3 Or if it 's not being entertaining , coming away absolutely hating or loving it — as long as it 's some sort of reaction .
4 " Just a word or two , Mrs James , I can easily wait if you 're engaged with your friends or if it 's not otherwise convenient . "
5 See I do n't know if it 's just part real or if he 's just trying to frighten me .
6 He does n't now , whether they 've been a super star for a long time or if he 's never heard of them .
7 Or if there 's not a walk nearby , you can organise your own !
8 Er , I went on to say throughout the ages the government has repealed legislation , there 's nothing new about repealing legislation it is repealed either because it is proved unworkable or because it 's simply outlived its shelf life .
9 They will not tell you whether a child is going to be a good citizen , when he 's nice to know or whether he 's well motivated .
10 Now , I do n't know whether that 's because i in your house there is n't a husband or a partner , or whether it did n't occur to you to say we , whether you always think of it as I or whether he 's out winning bread or you know , wha whatever it is , but
11 I can well understand M M Mr Jewitt 's concerns , erm I think the simple fact of the matter is that not a great deal of Greater York new housing demand is likely to be generated in Hambledon district , whereas in Selby district a significant amount of er demand is likely to be generated , so really by way of conclusion I I would like through you to ask Mr Mr Jewitt if his opposition to the new settlement is as a matter of principle , or whether he 's really stating the case for Hambledon district , in other words , would he object to a new settlement in Selby district ?
12 Erm , it does n't matter what I propose , whether it actually makes out things that they 've been talking about or whether it 's completely found something to criticise about it .
13 about this you are wasting your time , er then hopefully you if you are having a problem to come and see me and I can tell you if it is a problem or whether it 's not , it 's not particularly a problem , so you know , come along and see me
14 Dummies have since caught on as a fashion accessory at raves , but whether the trend was sparked by the emergence of Ketamine , or whether it 's just a way to keep the burning under control , is lost to myth and drug folklore .
15 Er , one of the things it wo n't tell you on here , whether it 's a blazing hot day , whether there 's snow on the ground or whether it 's just pouring , dull and people are coming along .
16 Or is it because there 's a different culture in the north and south because the , the two parts of China are very different , so you do n't know whether it 's the Communist Party that 's determining this difference or whether it 's just because of a difference of culture there .
17 I tell you something I was amazed at erm the reading book he appeared with , Fluff and Nip and goodness knows what that went out with the ark when I came out of college , I do n't know whether they 're all reading that or whether it 's just sort of found them and must of been just perhaps a one off or something , but , I was amazed
18 or , or whether it 's just that this is the best case that I can promote .
19 They , they 're just not getting back right now , I do n't know if it 's just to be sensitive to her or whether it 's just because , you know , they 're gon na see each o I mean they live on the same road , they 'll probably see each other this weekend .
20 Because you keep it all inside it against you , you begin to feel bad about yourself you begin to lose your self esteem erm you know and that 's the most dangerous thing about being bullied in terms of being at school or whether it 's even at work and being submissive is withdraw internalise and to take it out on yourself .
21 Whether we avoid certain foods because God has told us to , or whether it 's simply because of the E numbers ; whether our purification rituals are there to chase out demons in the name of spiritual purity , or germs in the name of hygiene … we all have a sense that beyond the boundaries of our lives lurks Chaos .
22 Now of course it would depend very much on and whether you were in a drought situation as we were until last year or whether it 's like we 've been over this last summer and early winter which is that virtually not a day has passed without we 've had some rain , in which case obviously the roof is going to get cleaned up very much quicker but I have to say that although I 've always been under the impression that it 's not a good idea to save water off a new felt roof er because of deposits that come off the mineral felt .
23 Or is there an area which you would get into on the question of whether how hard we should struggle before we er , do that sort of thing , or whether it 's purely a matter for for the County Council
24 The industry will be standing by gauging the heartiness of their handshakes and the sincerity of their smiles trying to decide whether the hatchet really is being buried or whether it 's merely a Christmas truce .
25 If you like the sebatier effect , or as it 's more commonly known ‘ solarisation ’ you can now control it .
26 If you like the sebatier effect or as it 's more commonly known ‘ solarisation ’ you can now control it .
27 Go and ask when she 's finished or when she 's about finished reading that
28 So you would n't know when it 's on or when it 's off .
29 If working in the studio , mainly in the winter or when it 's too hot outside , then a more concentrated approach , and perhaps intimate subject matter , can be worked in soft pastel or mixed media .
30 Bryan Adams has a tremendous knack of writing very catchy and memorable guitar parts , and although he 's not particularly known as a lead soloist his rhythm playing approach is well worth looking at .
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