Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I thought he was simply jealous of the time I spent with her , instead of sitting on the other side of the gas fire , knitting or darning socks while he marked his school books .
2 Bridget had been one of those teenagers who work all through their school holidays in restaurants or in shops or cleaning houses and she always had cash .
3 Those staff not buying or selling houses but who are changing their place of residence receive one payment of £335 which is not taxed .
4 reporting to parents or informing discussions where there are enquiries or causes for concern ;
5 In neither form of action could the plaintiff be sure of recovering his goods in specie since the judgment in trespass was for damages and in detinue gave the defendant the option of giving up the goods or paying damages but it is unlikely that this was considered a defect and it should be noted that the remedy of specific restitution of chattels has remained unusual right up to modern times .
6 ‘ A lot of companies have in-house reprographics or printing facilities and we aim to get involved in advising them how to use these facilities better through a consultancy service . ’
7 overlap with auction house chatter in that aristos are always selling the contents of the servants ' hall if they 've fallen on super-taxed times , or buying things if their grandfathers went offshore .
8 Consider adding a border to the leading edges and making tie-backs to match ; or having tie-backs where none existed before .
9 ‘ We have ejected people in the past who were suspected of selling or taking drugs but you can not expect our security staff to make arrests , ’ said the spokesperson .
10 I 'll just be betting horses or chasing women or something like that .
11 The total of your bill is one of the expenditures that will then appear on the completion statement that you are about to prepare for your client-buyer. ( b ) Disbursements Disbursements include your expenditures for any searches that you may have done , or planning permissions that you may have had to obtain .
12 Add to this an enhanced macro language , support for over 550 printers , a thesaurus , calculator , file manager , table of contents and indexing features and you 've got one heavy duty word processor .
13 Proprietors do appoint editors and chief-executives ; they decide budgets and manning levels and they put their imprint on the total organizations .
14 In the old days it had all seemed worth it — she 'd enjoyed filling stockings and wading through a carpet of toys and dressing the tree and singing carols when they were little .
15 Catering students also tested out their waitering and waitressing skills as they attempted to deliver trays on the back of a human ‘ camel ’ .
16 Astute readers might also have found a small note , placed in the magazine 's gossip column , referring to the front page story and reminding readers that it was 1 April — placed there by Birbeck as a precautionary measure .
17 There are dozens of them , some with very good outdoors and walking sections and it 's an unusually restrained visitor who leaves without a few extra pounds in the backpack .
18 I 'm often asked if I get sick of making presentations and signing autographs but I always answer by saying that the time to worry is when no-one wants me to do these things .
19 Oh yes varied , and there interesting , with , with children , particularly if they erm if I 'm doing workshops er with art and writing workshops and we come across an abstract picture , the children music , and , we , as a way into their vocabulary which is n't as large as their , their writing skills , and there 'll , there 'll decipher an abstract picture , wonderful language and I like doing that you know
20 Born in North Carolina 29 years ago , Tori Amos was playing piano before she could talk and writing songs before she could walk .
21 Search for it through the wodge of bits of paper and exercise books and writing pads that my dreams , all my precious dreams are scribbled on .
22 The floor was tiled , in diagonal squares of grey and white marble , and the walls were so densely covered with pictures and looking glasses that it was hard to tell whether or how they were papered , but the general tone and impression was of a deep purple and red .
23 Thus began the Peace Movement which continued through the remainder of the year with marches and hymnsinging rallies and which led to the award in 1977 of the Nobel Peace Prize to Mairead Corrigan and her co-founder , Mrs. Betty Williams .
24 The Car Safety Centres are managed by independent Motor Engineers and Assessors and the service is offered to members with the sole intention of identifying possible defects which may exist in cars , unknown to members , and thus preventing possible accidents and safeguarding members and their families from injury .
25 Can I thank you for those generous comments that you say towards er , , I think they 're totally true , he 's worked extremely hard in making sure this council has a budget which balanced , and it 's due to his expertise and bullying tactics that we 've succeeded , and he should be fully congratulated for that , and I think it 's the determination of those who were elected in May as well , to make sure that we protected services and jobs , and , and make sure that we actually carried out the mandate which the electors elected us to do that we have such ach achieved what we have achieved today .
26 Right , well , well , actually yes , what , what you look at , is , is what 's important to you and you put a cash value on it , and it might be the mortgage , it might be education , it might be giving yourself a couple of years ' salary and paying debts or whatever , er , and the security of knowing that O K , if I die , I 'm not leaving a problem for my family , but at the same time if I 'm in a situation where I get a serious illness and I ca n't bring in an income , I 'm securing my , my , my future in that respect .
27 Choose carefully , crossing out some words and adding others until your list truly reflects your current life .
28 So , together with his engraving , etching and aquatinting materials and his pigments for colours which he always mixed carefully himself , it was in the summer of 1800 that he decided to go north ( to the Lakes ) to begin once again and to try to rid himself of all he had learnt over the last decade and ‘ to adhere as faithfully as possible to nature .
29 The path has to be found between making an exquisite distillation , using a chemistry wholly the property of the observer and his audience , and presenting arguments as they occur , fragmented , irregular .
30 The annual rowing contest between the two ancient universities was a great London event with many ordinary families taking sides and wearing favours but it was hardly a matter of ‘ national ’ concern until the BBC included the Boat Race in the select band of truly British events .
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