Example sentences of "[coord] [num] [noun] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To test the boy 's power of observation and memory , two or three herds from different homesteads are mixed , and the boy is asked to separate them by picking out all that belong to his herd .
2 Er what we are gon na do and obviously we 're in the process of , you 're the first at the moment , is to have two or three quotations from different people .
3 It is much easier to keep a reliable record if you concentrate on 3 or 4 rugs from specific groups .
4 As she got closer , she could see that each had one or two articles from various newspapers stuck to it .
5 ‘ The youngsters have proved they have the talent , but lack the experience and that 's where one or two players from other league clubs could feature strongly .
6 At the time , the department was only getting one or two referrals from Chinese people every year .
7 One or two deaths from old age had taken place in the fridge .
8 5874 psychiatric hospital records , 129 neurology outpatient records , and 89 records from non-psychiatric hospitals were examined .
9 In the absence of any inter-party consensus on who should fill the office of President , no candidate secured a sufficient majority in 15 rounds of voting between May 13 and May 23 in the 1,014-member electoral college which comprised the 630 deputies , the 315 elected senators , the 11 life senators and 58 delegates from regional councils .
10 Between 1968 and 1976 mortality from ischaemic heart disease in women aged 85 + decreased by 21 per cent and by 17 per cent for males ( Verbrugge 1989 ) .
11 In an interview with Pravda on Nov. 5 , 1989 , the Soviet Armed Forces Chief of Staff , Col.- Gen. Mikhail Moiseyev , said that of the unilateral cuts in conventional forces announced by the Soviet President , Mikhail Gorbachev , in December 1988 ( see pp. 36412 ; 36440 ) , the Soviet Union had thus far withdrawn 50,320 personnel , 3,118 tanks and 351 aircraft from Eastern Europe and Mongolia ( see p. 36657 ) and from forward Soviet deployments .
12 and one option from European Language and Public Sector Studies Year II
13 Her cargo out of Sheerness included Westland helicopter spares , parts for the Sanstisima Trinidad from Vickers , Racal-Decca and Marconi radar parts , and five containers from British Manufacture and Research Company full of anti-aircraft gun mounts .
14 Greenpeace claims that the former Soviet Union dumped 17,000 containers of nuclear waste and 15 reactors from nuclear submarines into the waters of the Barents and Kara seas .
15 There were several Irish girls in the class and two girls from near Ballymote .
16 Their goals came from a Franck Sauzee penalty and two strikes from Alen Boksic .
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