Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] about [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But Dilys Powell could reasonably complain of Jamaica Inn ( 1939 ) that there was ‘ hardly any suspense , hardly any of the building up to a climax which makes the dullest American film tolerable ’ , and enthuse about Carol Reed 's A Girl Must Live ( 1939 ) , saying it showed how the British could make ‘ a comedy which has the speed and glitter and impudence of the best American comedies . ’
2 A mobile information unit with a video and display about Durham County Ambulance Service will tour towns in Teesdale and Weardale explaining details of the application .
3 Amid the hue and cry about carbon monoxide ( from coal gasification ) competing with oil as a source of petrochemical feedstocks , a bizarre feature of carbon monoxide chemistry has gone unnoticed in the scientific literature .
4 Non-violent nationalists condemn IRA actions but have traditional political reservations about the presence of the Army , and complain about security force policies , tactics , and the behaviour of individual troops and police officers .
5 But Pappy , who was always so willing to engage with her for hours and talk about school work or play chess , only patted her on the shoulder and fobbed her off with platitudes when the question of her mother came up .
6 some high whizzing w one top guy from each erm business , get together and talk about Hudson House West Office 's erm main H Q.
7 yeah and it 's a public relations exercise , and we 've been lumbered with it you know over the years we 've tried to push crime prevention and people come in and they do take notes of various things you know there 's obviously some people who come in and talk about crime prevention which we can answer fully , there are other enquiries about everything from bloody
8 People will come up to members of the library committee within the school and talk about library issues .
9 The England captain leaves sick-bed to accept renewed ‘ honour ’ and talk about Pakistan challenge
10 and ask about council elections .
11 Contact your locksmith for advice on the best type of window locks to fit , and ask about specialist locks for your patio doors .
12 Her neighbour may be struggling with arthritis and moving around with a Zimmer frame but be quite able to follow current affairs and argue about Coronation Street .
13 I suppose what I 'm really saying is that we should stop for a second each time we leap to elevate some young lad or lass to godlike status for a fifteen second guitar solo , and think about Paul McCartney penning Yesterday at age 23 .
14 I still wake up at night and think about Nelly Woodhouse .
15 On the contrary , BMW — which is to celebrate its 75th anniversary soon — greeted the announcement of the S-class with undisguised glee while sitting back to count record orders for its new 3-series and boast about production figures for its V12 — now running at 80 per day when the original target had been 10 to 15 .
16 Of course the student also needs to learn how to co-ordinate dialogue with all of the necessary actions and movements which are part of the natural traffic of performance , and learn about prop handling .
17 This went on until the sixteenth century when Henry VIII ordered his chief fruiterer , Richard Harris , to visit France and learn about apple cultivation .
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