Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] there will [be] " in BNC.

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1 Find out how much shelf metreage or footage there will be in the following units :
2 Gloucester still fighting for survival … its the game of the season for the cherry and whites … its the game they want to win more than anyother … last season at Kingsholm they pulled it off … they squeezed home by two points … it was 14-12 to Gloucester and win or lose there 'll be nothing in it tomorrow
3 Er Trading Standards Officers have been helping the police have made a large number of visits to sales in recent months targetting those where we know or suspect there will be concentration of counterfeiter goods and these stolen items we 've been taking and seizing items , we 've been making inspections and er we will also be distributing some leaflets to try and advise people of some of the risks and dangers that face them at this sort of event .
4 Right , the national curriculum levels I am nearly o of the opinion to be almost glib and say there will be a space that is about a third of a sheet of A four , it 's down to every department to do their own I nearly said , I do n't care , I often do care
5 I used to look at them in awe , they were so generous and open There will be more American memorabilia in the summer when the new entrance ios officially opened … and the date for that , July 4 , American Independence Day .
6 Like an illustration in a childrens ' book , you look at it and know there will be magic on the other side .
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