Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] that he be " in BNC.

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1 This introduction to Piggy makes you immediately either sympathise with him or think that he was a pathetic little boy .
2 Or I might suspect too much vehemence in his insistence that he loves gibbons , and suggest that he is deceiving himself , that visiting the animals has become a habit without much joy in it .
3 ‘ It is not pleasant for a human being to pass judgment on another and say that he is evil through and through without any redeeming features , but that is the conclusion I am forced to come to about you . ’
4 Yeah , if you do n't measure it the right way , and go all the way round there and say that he 's coming in on two hundred and twenty five degrees
5 He would wear private clothes and say that he was a merchant from the Northern Capital .
6 He would read it , nod and announce that he was ready to make a concession .
7 He enclosed a sample of cloth with his letter to prove his words and demonstrate that he was n't being unduly extravagant .
8 ‘ We talk about him a lot and feel that he 's with us .
9 He likes to sit in granddad 's chair and pretend that he 's smoking granddad 's pipe .
10 And see that he 's very afraid ,
11 But remember that he is evil .
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