Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] that [noun] [is] " in BNC.

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1 They have more sense than money and realise that clothing is about individuality not uniforms .
2 Surveys have reported heavy support for the trade union reforms introduced by the Conservative government since 1979 and show that profit-making is still socially acceptable and that people endorse the principle that wage increases must be earned by firms selling their goods at a profit .
3 While the Royals may lose their mystique , they 'll show us the way forward and reveal that hubris is not just a Greek myth .
4 No one can read the Pentateuch and conclude that justice is just concerned with private property and the rule of law .
5 And remember that change is the essence of the short story — by the end , something significant must have altered in character or plot .
6 However tough things seem , it 's vital that you should keep your spirits up , and remember that acting is an art and a thrilling one — though sometimes when you are struggling with the frustrating process of building a career , this can all get a bit obscured .
7 We look at our watch and note that Denice is now thirty seconds late .
8 Each time it comes up with a reason , just smile and lovingly tell it that you now wish to give up your old payoffs , and believe that life is full of joy .
9 Some , through their contact with the various women 's organizations , are aware of these problems and believe that change is already taking place in many very positive ways .
10 Some are the reverse and feel that individuality is under threat when they appear .
11 But pollsters believe his efforts are all in vain , and claim that Clinton is performing just as well in the smaller states and could win as many as 302 of the 538 electoral college votes .
12 They stress the importance of money as a medium of exchange , and argue that money is not a close substitute for financial assets .
13 I thought and think that war is an evil abominable thing which gets man no further and only lowers him in his search after truth .
14 People see the educated man living in poverty and realize that learning is useless ; they decide it is better to remain ignorant .
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