Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] you [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If the computer does not understand what you have said it will ask questions , offer alternatives or tell you to rephrase your question and try again .
2 And he does look after us so well ; we are truly comfortable and urge you to try it . ’
3 I must beg therefore to give up the appointment and request you to accept my Resignation .
4 ‘ But even though they had nothing at the ports , if you offered one of them a bar of chocolate or a pack of cigarettes they would turn it down and tell you to send it to the Front . ’
5 Yeah , cos I was gon na say take the name and address and get you to ring it back .
6 Designer Labels is intended to short-cut the procedure , and allow you to do what you want with labels in a short time , and for the most part , it succeeds .
7 Yet now , ’ his look was amicable , ‘ you , Miss Kingsdale , with your haughty manner ’ her haughty manner ? ‘ wish me to at once revoke my plans and allow you to ask me endless work-orientated questions . ’
8 A trip down memory lane or a sentimental reunion will give you great pleasure and allow you to say what 's in your heart without feeling self-conscious .
9 If this letter is considered acceptable I will forward two copies to you and ask you to return one signed by your Chairman .
10 ‘ You be careful , or the devil will appear one day and ask you to sell your soul , ’ I warned .
11 I 'll go through it again once we 've seen the film , and ask you to give me the main points that came out of the film .
12 I will not dwell upon them but will re-emphasise what has already been said and ask you to give us all your support .
13 We print it and ask you to check it and sign it .
14 They read your letters , and if you write in your own language they bring back your letter and ask you to write it in English .
15 if anybody can sort of if you write in English , maybe could send it to you , could get it translated at the Stortford , oh that might be very useful , erm , I mean , I 'll certainly do some letters and if anybody else wants to , if they let me know I 'll let them have the addresses for them , erm , there are fax as well and that suppose to be a quicker way than writing a letter actually than send through a fax , right , erm , if anybody can then we could send them to you and , and ask you to send it on , and we would sort of postage , would be covered would it Margaret ?
16 The most obvious possibility is to be able to call up a video window on the screen which can deliver a helpline operator 's face and words and enable you to resolve your problem .
17 This month , I have given you 23 small designs and invite you to create your own individual picture .
18 They can only suggest concepts and invite you to use them .
19 We 're delighted that you have found time out of your busy schedule and timetable to come and spend time with us today and we 're very glad that you are able to do so and I would ask er , John , our moderator if he will receive me now and invite you to address our .
20 Inside , liberal use of first-class photographs , imaginative illustrations and visual pages enhance the articles and invite you to read them .
21 You 're so sweet I just wanted to throw myself on your mercy and beg you to help me .
22 Maybe ghosts steal back and invade you to inhabit you , because they 're lonely .
23 " I 'll drive you down , " Jenny said , " and help you to move your things . "
24 By comparing these with the needs of your fleet , you can select the type of card that will help your vehicles to operate a peak efficiency — and help you to keep your flock in line !
25 We will explain why you mishit and help you to rid your game of these destructive shots .
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